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104:1  Bless Lord Jehovah, my soul! Lord Jehovah my God is very great; he wears brightness and glory!
104:2  He is covered in light like a cloak. He has stretched out Heaven like a curtain.
104:3  He makes his lofty dwellings in the waters and sets his chariot above the clouds and walks upon the wings of the wind.
104:4  He makes his Angels the wind and his ministers burning fire.
104:5  He has prepared Earth upon its foundations that it will not move for an eternity of eternities.
104:6  The deep was like a cloak for its covering and above the mountains the waters rose up.
104:7  From your rebuke they flee and they hasten from the voice of your thunders.
104:8  They went up the mountains and they came down the valleys into the place which you prepared for them.
104:9  You have set borders for them which they will not cross and cover the earth.
104:10  You have sent the springs into the valleys and they walk among the mountains.
104:11  And they give drink to all the animals of the wilderness and satisfy wild donkeys that thirst.
104:12  And the birds of the sky alight upon them; from among the mountains they give a sound.
104:13  He waters the mountains from his lofty dwellings; from the fruit of your works you will satisfy the Earth.
104:14  He makes grass to sprout for the beasts and green plants for the service of man to bring forth bread from the Earth.
104:15  Wine gladdens the heart of the son of man and brightens his face with oil; bread sustains the heart of the son of man.
104:16  The trees of Lord Jehovah will be full and the cedars of Lebanon that he has planted.
104:17  There the fowl have made a nest and the stork nests itself in the cypress.
104:18  The high mountains for the mountain goats and the crags are a refuge for the rabbits.
104:19  He made the moon for times and the sun knows the time of its settings.
104:20  He made the darkness and there was night and in it pass through all the wild beasts of the forest.
104:21  The lionesses roar to tear apart and to seek their food from God.
104:22  At the rising of the sun they are gathered and they lie down in their dwellings.
104:23  A son of man goes forth to his work and for his service until the evening.
104:24  How many are your works Lord Jehovah, and you have made them all in wisdom!
104:25  This is the great sea and an expanse round about in which are swarming things without number, great creatures with the small.
104:26  In it the ships travel; this is Leviathan which you have created to be merry in it.
104:27  All are waiting for you to give them food in their times.
104:28  You give to them and they are fed; you open your hand and they are satisfied.
104:29  You turn your face and they are disturbed; you take their spirit and they die and return to their dust.
104:30  You send your Spirit and they are created and you renew the face of the earth.
104:31  The glory of Lord Jehovah shall be for eternity! Lord Jehovah will rejoice in his works.
104:32  For he looks at the earth and it quakes and he rebukes the mountains and they smoke!
104:33  I shall praise Lord Jehovah with my life and I shall sing praise to my God as long as I endure.
104:34  My praise will delight him I shall rejoice in Lord Jehovah!
104:35  Sinners will cease from the earth and the evil will not be seen in it. Bless Lord Jehovah, my soul!