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102:1  Prayer of a sufferer overcome by weakness and pouring out his complaint before Adonai:
102:2  Adonai, hear my prayer! Let my cry for help reach you!
102:3  Don’t hide your face from me when I am in such distress! Turn your ear toward me; when I call, be quick to reply!
102:4  For my days are vanishing like smoke, my bones are burning like a furnace.
102:5  I am stricken and withered like grass; I forget to eat my food.
102:6  Because of my loud groaning, I am just skin and bones.
102:7  I am like a great owl in the desert, I’ve become like an owl in the ruins.
102:8  I lie awake and become like a bird alone on the roof.
102:9  My enemies taunt me all day long; mad with rage, they make my name a curse.
102:10  For I have been eating ashes like bread and mingling tears with my drink
102:11  because of your furious anger, since you picked me up just to toss me aside.
102:12  My days decline like an evening shadow; I am drying up like grass.
102:13  But you, Adonai, are enthroned forever; your renown will endure through all generations.
102:14  You will arise and take pity on Tziyon, for the time has come to have mercy on her; the time determined has come.
102:15  For your servants love her very stones; they take pity even on her dust.
102:16  The nations will fear the name of Adonai and all the kings on earth your glory,
102:17  when Adonai has rebuilt Tziyon, and shows himself in his glory,
102:18  when he has heeded the plea of the poor and not despised their prayer.
102:19  May this be put on record for a future generation; may a people yet to be created praise Adonai.
102:20  For he has looked down from the height of his sanctuary; from heaven Adonai surveys the earth
102:21  to listen to the sighing of the prisoner, to set free those who are sentenced to death,
102:22  to proclaim the name of Adonai in Tziyon and his praise in Yerushalayim
102:23  when peoples and kingdoms have been gathered together to serve Adonai.
102:24  He has broken my strength in midcourse, he has cut short my days.
102:25  I plead, “God, your years last through all generations; so don’t take me away when my life is half over!
102:26  In the beginning, you laid the foundations of the earth; heaven is the work of your hands.
102:27  They will vanish, but you will remain; like clothing, they will all grow old; yes, you will change them like clothing, and they will pass away.
102:28  But you remain the same, and your years will never end.