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102:1  A prayer of a person who is suffering when he is discouraged and tells the Lord his complaints. Lord, listen to my prayer; let my cry for help come to you.
102:2  Do not hide from me in my time of trouble. Pay attention to me. When I cry for help, answer me quickly.
102:3  My life is passing away like smoke, and my bones are burned up with fire.
102:4  My heart is like grass that has been cut and dried. I forget to eat.
102:5  Because of my grief, my skin hangs on my bones.
102:6  I am like a desert owl, like an owl living among the ruins.
102:7  I lie awake. I am like a lonely bird on a housetop.
102:8  All day long enemies insult me; those who make fun of me use my name as a curse.
102:9  I eat ashes for food, and my tears fall into my drinks.
102:10  Because of your great anger, you have picked me up and thrown me away.
102:11  My days are like a passing shadow; I am like dried grass.
102:12  But, Lord, you rule forever, and your fame goes on and on.
102:13  You will come and have mercy on Jerusalem, because the time has now come to be kind to her; the right time has come.
102:14  Your servants love even her stones; they even care about her dust.
102:15  Nations will fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings on earth will honor you.
102:16  The Lord will rebuild Jerusalem; there his glory will be seen.
102:17  He will answer the prayers of the needy; he will not reject their prayers.
102:18  Write these things for the future so that people who are not yet born will praise the Lord.
102:19  The Lord looked down from his holy place above; from heaven he looked down at the earth.
102:20  He heard the moans of the prisoners, and he freed those sentenced to die.
102:21  The name of the Lord will be heard in Jerusalem; his praise will be heard there.
102:22  People will come together, and kingdoms will serve the Lord.
102:23  God has made me tired of living; he has cut short my life.
102:24  So I said, “My God, do not take me in the middle of my life. Your years go on and on.
102:25  In the beginning you made the earth, and your hands made the skies.
102:26  They will be destroyed, but you will remain. They will all wear out like clothes. And, like clothes, you will change them and throw them away.
102:27  But you never change, and your life will never end.
102:28  Our children will live in your presence, and their children will remain with you.”