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6:1  My son, if you have put up security for your friend, if you committed yourself on behalf of another;
6:2  you have been snared by the words of your mouth, caught by the words of your own mouth.
6:3  Do this now, my son, and extricate yourself, since you put yourself in your friend’s power: go, humble yourself, and pester your friend;
6:4  give your eyes no sleep, give your eyelids no rest;
6:5  break free, like a gazelle from the [hunter’s] trap, like a bird from the grip of the fowler.
6:6  Go to the ant, you lazybones! Consider its ways, and be wise.
6:7  It has no chief, overseer or ruler;
6:8  yet it provides its food in summer and gathers its supplies at harvest-time.
6:9  Lazybones! How long will you lie there in bed? When will you get up from your sleep?
6:10  “I’ll just lie here a bit, rest a little longer, just fold my hands for a little more sleep” —
6:11  and poverty comes marching in on you, scarcity hits you like an invading soldier.
6:12  A scoundrel, a vicious man, lives by crooked speech,
6:13  winking his eyes, shuffling his feet, pointing with his fingers.
6:14  With deceit in his heart, he is always plotting evil and sowing discord.
6:15  Therefore disaster suddenly overcomes him; unexpectedly, he is broken beyond repair.
6:16  There are six things Adonai hates, seven which he detests:
6:17  a haughty look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,
6:18  a heart that plots wicked schemes, feet swift in running to do evil,
6:19  a false witness who lies with every breath, and him who sows strife among brothers.
6:20  My son, obey your father’s command, and don’t abandon your mother’s teaching.
6:21  Bind them always on your heart, tie them around your neck.
6:22  When you walk, they will lead you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; and when you wake up, they will talk with you.
6:23  For the mitzvah is a lamp, Torah is light, and reproofs that discipline are the way to life.
6:24  They keep you from an evil woman, from a loose woman’s seductive tongue.
6:25  Don’t let your heart lust after her beauty or allow her glance to captivate you.
6:26  The price of a whore is a loaf of bread, but the adulteress is hunting for a precious life.
6:27  Can a man carry fire inside his shirt without burning his clothes?
6:28  Can a man walk [barefoot] on hot coals without scorching his feet?
6:29  So is he who has sex with his neighbor’s wife; anyone touching her will be punished.
6:30  A thief is not despised if he steals only to satisfy his appetite when hungry;
6:31  but even he, if caught, must pay back sevenfold; he may have to give up all the wealth that he owns.
6:32  He who commits adultery lacks sense; he who does it destroys himself.
6:33  He will get nothing but blows and contempt, and his disgrace will not be wiped away.
6:34  For jealousy drives a man into a rage; he will show no mercy when he takes revenge;
6:35  he will not accept compensation; he’ll refuse every bribe, no matter how large.