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31:1  These are the words of King Lemuel. An oracle of wisdom handed down to him by his mother:
31:2  Mother: What shall I say to you, my son? What wisdom can I impart, child of my womb? What insight can I share, son of my vows?
31:3  Do not waste your strength on women or invest yourself in women who would destroy even kings.
31:4  Take care, my son, O Lemuel. Kings should not drink too much wine or rulers should not crave strong drink;
31:5  For if they do, they will become drunk and forget the decree they just made and alter the course of justice for all the poor and afflicted.
31:6  Rather, give liquor to one who is dying, and offer wine to those struggling with life’s harsh realities.
31:7  Let such a one drink and forget what he is missing; then perhaps he won’t remember his sorrows anymore.
31:8  Speak out on behalf of those who have no voice, and defend all those who have been passed over.
31:9  Open your mouth, judge fairly, and stand up for the rights of the afflicted and the poor.
31:10  Who can find a truly excellent woman? One who is superior in all that she is and all that she does? Her worth far exceeds that of rubies and expensive jewelry.
31:11  She inspires trust, and her husband’s heart is safe with her, and because of her, he has every good thing.
31:12  Every day of her life she does what is best for him, never anything harmful or hurtful.
31:13  Delight attends her work and guides her fingers as she selects the finest wool and flax for spinning.
31:14  She moves through the market like merchant ships that dock here and there in distant ports, finally arriving home with food she’s carried from afar.
31:15  She rises from bed early, in the still of night, carefully preparing food for her family and providing a portion to her servants.
31:16  She has a plan. She considers some land and buys it; then with her earnings, she plants a vineyard.
31:17  She wraps herself in strength, carries herself with confidence, and works hard, strengthening her arms for the task at hand.
31:18  She tastes success and knows it is good, and under lamplight she works deep into the night.
31:19  Her hands skillfully place the unspun flax and wool on the distaff, and her fingers twist the spindle until thread forms.
31:20  She reaches out to the poor and extends mercy to those in need.
31:21  She is not worried about the cold or snow for her family, for she has clothed them all in warm, crimson coats.
31:22  She makes her own bed linens and clothes herself in purple and fine cloth.
31:23  Everyone recognizes her husband in the public square, and no one fails to respect him as he takes his place of leadership in the community.
31:24  She makes linen garments and sells them in the market, and she supplies belts for tradesmen to carry across the sea.
31:25  Clothed in strength and dignity, with nothing to fear, she smiles when she thinks about the future.
31:26  She conducts her conversations with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is ever her concern.
31:27  She directs the activities of her household, and never does she indulge in laziness.
31:28  Her children rise up and bless her. Her husband, too, joins in the praise, saying:
31:29  “There are some—indeed many—women who do well in every way, but of all of them only you are truly excellent.”
31:30  Charm can be deceptive and physical beauty will not last, but a woman who reveres the Eternal should be praised above all others.
31:31  Celebrate all she has achieved. Let all her accomplishments publicly praise her.