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28:1  The wicked flee when no one pursues them; but the righteous, like lions, feel sure of themselves.
28:2  A land which transgresses [is punished by] having many rulers; but with a man of understanding and knowledge, stability is prolonged.
28:3  A poor man who oppresses the weak is like a downpour that sweeps away all the food.
28:4  Those who abandon Torah praise the wicked, but those who keep Torah fight them.
28:5  Evil people don’t understand justice, but those who seek Adonai understand everything.
28:6  Better to be poor and live an honest life than be crooked in one’s ways, though rich.
28:7  A wise son observes Torah, but a friend of those lacking restraint shames his father.
28:8  He who increases his wealth by charging exorbitant interest amasses it for someone who will bestow it on the poor.
28:9  If a person will not listen to Torah, even his prayer is an abomination.
28:10  Whoever causes the honest to pursue evil ways will himself fall into his own pit, but the pure-hearted will inherit good.
28:11  The rich man is wise in his own view, but the poor who has discernment sees through him.
28:12  When the just are triumphant, there is great rejoicing, but when the wicked rise up, people hide.
28:13  He who conceals his sins will not succeed; he who confesses and abandons them will gain mercy.
28:14  Happy the person who is never without fear, but he who hardens his heart will fall into misfortune.
28:15  Like a roaring lion or a bear prowling for food is a wicked ruler over a poor people.
28:16  A prince without discernment is a cruel oppressor, but one who hates greed will prolong his life.
28:17  Let a man weighed down with anyone’s blood flee to a pit; give him no support.
28:18  Whoever lives blamelessly will be saved, but he whose ways are crooked will fall in one [of those ways].
28:19  He who farms his land will have plenty of food, but he who follows futilities will have plenty of poverty.
28:20  A trustworthy person will receive many blessings, but one rushing to get rich will not go unpunished.
28:21  To show partiality is not good, though a person may do wrong for a crust of bread.
28:22  He who is greedy rushes after riches, not knowing that want will overtake him.
28:23  He who rebukes another person in the end gets more thanks than the flatterer.
28:24  Whoever robs mother or father and says, “That’s not a crime!” is comrade to the destroyer.
28:25  A grasping disposition stirs up strife, but he who trusts in Adonai will prosper.
28:26  He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who lives by wisdom will escape.
28:27  He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who hides his eyes will get curses in plenty.
28:28  When the wicked rise up, people hide; but when they perish, the righteous flourish.