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27:1  Don’t brag about what may happen tomorrow because you have no idea what it will bring.
27:2  Let someone else praise you; compliments are always sweeter from a stranger’s lips than from your own.
27:3  Heavy is rock and weighty is sand, but more burdensome than either is the anger of a fool.
27:4  Wrath is fierce and anger is a tidal wave of fury, but who of us can stand up against jealousy?
27:5  Open rebuke is better than hidden love.
27:6  Wounds inflicted by the correction of a friend prove he is faithful; the abundant kisses of an enemy show his lies.
27:7  The person who is full has no interest in honey; but to the starving, bitterness itself is sweet.
27:8  Like a bird that strays far from its nest, so is a person who forsakes his own home.
27:9  The heart is delighted by the fragrance of oil and sweet perfumes, and in just the same way, the soul is sweetened by the wise counsel of a friend.
27:10  Do not neglect your friend or your parent’s friend for that matter. When hard times come, you don’t have to travel far to get help from family; A neighbor who is near is better than a brother who is far away.
27:11  Study to be wise, my son, and make my heart glad, for then your life will be my answer to anyone who hurls insults.
27:12  The astute see evil coming and take shelter, but the stupid plow right on and then, of course, have to pay the price.
27:13  If someone guarantees a stranger’s debt, hold his garment as collateral; if that guarantee is for the debt of a foreigner, make sure you get a deposit.
27:14  Anyone who blesses his neighbor with a loud voice early in the morning, will find his blessing regarded as a curse.
27:15  A constant dripping on a rainy day and a wife’s bickering are very much alike:
27:16  Anyone who tries to control her might as well try to control the wind or pick up oil in his right hand.
27:17  In the same way that iron sharpens iron, a person sharpens the character of his friend.
27:18  Whoever takes care of a fig tree will eat of its fruit, and whoever cares for his master will be honored.
27:19  Just as water reflects a person’s true face, so the human heart reflects a person’s true character.
27:20  Neither the grave nor destruction is ever satisfied; the desires of people are never totally fulfilled.
27:21  The crucible is used for refining silver, the furnace for gold, but praise is what tests a person’s mettle.
27:22  Though you grind a fool like grain in a mortar with a pestle, still his foolishness will not be separated from him.
27:23  Pay careful attention to your flocks, and see to the welfare of your herds
27:24  Because riches do not last forever, nor does one dynasty retain power through all generations.
27:25  When the hay is harvested and the autumn grasses begin to grow and the herbs of the mountains are gathered,
27:26  Then the lambs will provide wool for your clothing, young goats can be sold to buy a new field,
27:27  And there will be enough milk from your goats to sustain you, your family, and your serving girls.