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20:1  Too much wine begins to mock you, too much strong drink leads to noisy fights, and whoever is misled by either is not wise.
20:2  A king’s wrath strikes fear like a lion’s roar; those who provoke him to anger sentence themselves to death.
20:3  Honor is due those who refuse to fight at the drop of a hat, but every fool jumps at an opportunity to quarrel.
20:4  A slacker procrastinates when it is time to plow; so when it’s time for harvest, there are no crops in the field.
20:5  The real motives come from deep within a person—as from deep waters— but a discerning person is able to draw them up and expose them.
20:6  Most people claim to be loyal, but can anyone find a trustworthy person?
20:7  The right-living act with integrity; the children who follow their example are happy.
20:8  When a king sits on his throne as judge, he ferrets out all evil and scatters it with his royal stare.
20:9  Who can say, “I have cleaned my heart”? or who can proclaim, “I am purified from sin”?
20:10  False weights and differing measures are alike: both are disgusting to the Eternal.
20:11  Youth reveal their true natures by their actions whether they do what is pure and right or not.
20:12  Ears to listen, eyes to see— the Eternal designed them both.
20:13  Do not fall in love with sleep, or you will awake a poor person. Stay awake, get to work, and you will have more than enough food.
20:14  “Bad quality for a bad price,” bargains the buyer; but then he runs off with his prize in tow, bragging, “What a steal!”
20:15  Gold and rubies abound, but lips that utter knowledge are a rare jewel.
20:16  If someone guarantees a stranger’s debt, hold his garment as collateral; if that stranger is a foreigner, hold the creditor responsible.
20:17  At first the bread of lies tastes sweet until guilt reduces it to gravel in the mouth.
20:18  Plans are finalized on the basis of good counsel, so only go to war when you have wise instructions.
20:19  A gossip will reveal your secrets! So avoid the company of people who talk openly and foolishly.
20:20  If someone pronounces a curse on his parents, the lamp of his life will be snuffed out as complete darkness creeps in.
20:21  An inheritance acquired hastily at first will end up not being blessed after all.
20:22  Do not say, “I will get even for this evil.” Wait for the Eternal; He will defend you.
20:23  He despises dishonesty in business; false weights and deceptive scales are wrong.
20:24  Every one of our steps is directed by Him; so how can we attempt to figure out our own way?
20:25  Those who rashly dedicate something to God are trapped; only afterward do they realize what they’ve promised.
20:26  A wise king weeds out the wrongdoers, then drives over them with his threshing wheel of justice.
20:27  The lamp of the Eternal illuminates the human spirit, searching our most intimate thoughts.
20:28  Loyal love and faithfulness safeguard the king; his throne is perpetuated through loyal love.
20:29  The best asset of youth is the strength of the body, but the beauty of age is gray hair.
20:30  Severe punishment scrubs away evil, and tough blows scour the innermost parts.