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18:1  Whoever pulls away from others to focus solely on his own desires disregards any sense of sound judgment.
18:2  A fool never delights in true knowledge but only wants to express what’s on his mind.
18:3  When wrongdoers arrive, disgrace is right there with them, for shame is the companion of dishonor.
18:4  Words bubble up from waters deep within a person; a stream gushes from the fountain of wisdom.
18:5  It is wrong for a judge to show partiality to the guilty or to rob the innocent of justice.
18:6  When a fool’s lips move, a fight breaks out; it’s as if his mouth is begging for a beating.
18:7  The mouths of fools are their destruction, and their lips entrap their very souls.
18:8  Whispered gossip is like a delicious first course: it is devoured with pleasure and penetrates deeply.
18:9  Those who slack off at work are no different from vandals.
18:10  The Eternal is known to be like a sturdy watchtower; those who do right flee to Him for protection.
18:11  The rich think their wealth is their sturdy fortress; they imagine it to be an invincible wall of security.
18:12  A proud heart precedes destruction, and before honor is humility.
18:13  To respond to a matter before you hear about it shows foolishness and brings shame.
18:14  The human spirit can endure a long illness, but who can survive a crushed spirit?
18:15  Clever people go after knowledge to obtain it, and wise people attune their ears to hear it.
18:16  The right gift at the right time can open up new opportunities and gains access to influential people.
18:17  The first ones to tell their side of a story seem right until cross-examined by their peers.
18:18  Casting lots can settle conflicts and decide between powerful opponents.
18:19  Winning over an offended brother is harder than breaching a strong city’s defenses; such fights are as tough as the iron gates of a castle.
18:20  Good words satisfy like a fine meal; yes, good conversations are sure to satisfy.
18:21  Words have power in matters of life and death, and those who love them will savor their fruit.
18:22  The man who finds a wife finds something good, and the favor of the Eternal is indeed his.
18:23  The poor plead for help, but the rich respond harshly.
18:24  Someone with many so-called friends may end up friendless, but a true friend is closer than a brother.