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17:1  Better to gnaw on a bit of dry crust in peace than to feast in a house full of stress.
17:2  A wise servant will be put in charge of a child who behaves badly and will take a share of the inheritance like one of the family.
17:3  Silver is purified in the crucible, gold in the furnace, but motives of the heart are judged by the Eternal.
17:4  Wrongdoers perk up when listening to gossip, and liars lean in close to hear talk of mischief.
17:5  Anyone who makes fun of the poor disparages his Maker, and those who celebrate another’s misfortune will not escape certain punishment.
17:6  Grandchildren are the crowning glory and ultimate delight of old age, and parents are the pride of their children.
17:7  Elegant speech sounds odd when it comes from a fool, and a lie on the lips of a leader is even more out of place!
17:8  A bribe is like an enchanting charm to one who counts on it— everywhere he looks he sees the illusion of success.
17:9  Those who forgive faults foster love, but those who repeatedly recall them ruin relationships.
17:10  A single correction makes a more lasting impression on one who is wise than a hundred lashes do on a fool.
17:11  Evil people are determined to rebel, and so a merciless messenger will chase them down.
17:12  Better to face a mother bear stripped of her cubs than to encounter a fool caught up in his foolishness.
17:13  Those who repay good with evil bring unrelenting trouble upon their families.
17:14  Picking a fight is like leaking water from a crack in a dam, so walk away from an argument before the outburst.
17:15  Both of these deeply offend the Eternal: one who acquits the guilty and one who condemns the innocent.
17:16  Even if fools had the means to obtain wisdom, they would not be able to benefit from it.
17:17  A true friend loves regardless of the situation, and a real brother exists to share the tough times.
17:18  Only a fool shakes hands on a deal and guarantees repayment of someone else’s loan.
17:19  A person who loves sin loves a fight, and one who builds a grand entrance dares others to tear it down.
17:20  Crooked-hearted people never recognize anything good, and those who distort the truth court disaster.
17:21  Having a fool for a child is misery; there is no joy in parenting a fool.
17:22  A joy-filled heart is curative balm, but a broken spirit hurts all the way to the bone.
17:23  A wicked person accepts a bribe under the table to derail the course of justice.
17:24  Those who understand look to wisdom for guidance, but fools fasten their eyes on some distant horizon.
17:25  Foolish children irritate their fathers and embitter their mothers.
17:26  Also know this: It is wrong to penalize those who do what is right or to lash the noble because of their integrity.
17:27  Those with knowledge know when to be quiet, and those with understanding know how to remain calm.
17:28  Even a fool who keeps quiet is considered wise, for when he keeps his mouth shut, he appears clever.