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16:1  A person is responsible to prepare his heart, but how the tongue speaks is from Adonai.
16:2  All a man’s ways are pure in his own view, but Adonai weighs the spirit.
16:3  If you entrust all you do to Adonai, your plans will achieve success.
16:4  Adonai made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of disaster.
16:5  Adonai detests all those with proud hearts; be assured that they will not go unpunished.
16:6  Grace and truth atone for iniquity, and people turn from evil through fear of Adonai.
16:7  When a man’s ways please Adonai, he makes even the man’s enemies be at peace with him.
16:8  Better a little with righteousness than a huge income with injustice.
16:9  A person may plan his path, but Adonai directs his steps.
16:10  Divine inspiration is on the lips of the king, so his mouth must be faithful when he judges.
16:11  The balance and scales of justice have their origin in Adonai; all the weights in the bag are his doing.
16:12  It is an abomination for a king to do evil, for the throne is made secure by righteousness.
16:13  The king should delight in righteous lips, and he should love someone who speaks what is right.
16:14  The king’s anger is a herald of death, and one who is wise will appease it.
16:15  When the king’s face brightens, it means life; his favor is like the clouds that bring spring rain.
16:16  How much better than gold it is to gain wisdom! Yes, rather than money, choose to gain understanding.
16:17  Avoiding evil is the highway of the upright; he who watches his step preserves his life.
16:18  Pride goes before destruction, and arrogance before failure.
16:19  Better to be humble among the poor than share the spoil with the proud.
16:20  He who has skill in a matter will succeed; he who trusts in Adonai will be happy.
16:21  A wise-hearted person is said to have discernment, and sweetness of speech adds to learning.
16:22  Common sense is a fountain of life to one who has it, whereas fools are punished by their own folly.
16:23  The wise man’s heart teaches his mouth, and to his lips it adds learning.
16:24  Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweet to the taste and healing for the body.
16:25  There can be a way which seems right to a person, but at its end are the ways of death.
16:26  A working man’s appetite acts on his behalf, because his hunger presses him on.
16:27  A worthless person digs up evil [gossip] — it is like scorching fire on his lips.
16:28  A deceitful person stirs up strife, and a slanderer can separate even close friends.
16:29  A violent man lures his neighbor astray and leads him into evil ways.
16:30  One who winks knowingly is planning deceit; one who pinches his lips together has already done wrong.
16:31  White hair is a crown of honor obtained by righteous living.
16:32  He who controls his temper is better than a war hero, he who rules his spirit better than he who captures a city.
16:33  One can cast lots into one’s lap, but the decision comes from Adonai.