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16:1  We can make our plans, but the final outcome is in God’s hands.
16:2  We can always “prove” that we are right, but is the Lord convinced?
16:3  Commit your work to the Lord, then it will succeed.
16:4  The Lord has made everything for his own purposes—even the wicked for punishment.
16:5  Pride disgusts the Lord. Take my word for it—proud men shall be punished.
16:6  Iniquity is atoned for by mercy and truth; evil is avoided by reverence for God.
16:7  When a man is trying to please God, God makes even his worst enemies to be at peace with him.
16:8  A little gained honestly is better than great wealth gotten by dishonest means.
16:9  We should make plans—counting on God to direct us.
16:10  God will help the king to judge the people fairly; there need be no mistakes.
16:11  The Lord demands fairness in every business deal. He established this principle.
16:12  It is a horrible thing for a king to do evil. His right to rule depends upon his fairness.
16:13  The king rejoices when his people are truthful and fair.
16:14  The anger of the king is a messenger of death, and a wise man will appease it.
16:15  Many favors are showered on those who please the king.
16:16  How much better is wisdom than gold, and understanding than silver!
16:17  The path of the godly leads away from evil; he who follows that path is safe.
16:18  Pride goes before destruction and haughtiness before a fall.
16:19  Better poor and humble than proud and rich.
16:20  God blesses those who obey him; happy the man who puts his trust in the Lord.
16:21  The wise man is known by his common sense, and a pleasant teacher is the best.
16:22  Wisdom is a fountain of life to those possessing it, but a fool’s burden is his folly.
16:23  From a wise mind comes careful and persuasive speech.
16:24  Kind words are like honey—enjoyable and healthful.
16:25  Before every man there lies a wide and pleasant road he thinks is right, but it ends in death.
16:26  Hunger is good—if it makes you work to satisfy it!
16:27  Idle hands are the devil’s workshop; idle lips are his mouthpiece.
16:28  An evil man sows strife; gossip separates the best of friends.
16:29  Wickedness loves company—and leads others into sin.
16:30  The wicked man stares into space with pursed lips, deep in thought, planning his evil deeds.
16:31  White hair is a crown of glory and is seen most among the godly.
16:32  It is better to be slow-tempered than famous; it is better to have self-control than to control an army.
16:33  We toss the coin, but it is the Lord who controls its decision.