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10:1  The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son brings grief to his mother.
10:2  Treasures gained by wickedness produce no profit, but righteousness saves from death.
10:3  The Lord will not allow the righteous to starve, but he frustrates the greed of the wicked.
10:4  Lazy hands produce poverty, but hardworking hands bring riches.
10:5  Whoever gathers crops in summer is a sensible son. Whoever sleeps at harvest time is a disgraceful son.
10:6  Blessings crown the head of a righteous person, but violence covers the mouth of the wicked.
10:7  To remember a righteous person is a blessing, but the name of the wicked will rot.
10:8  A wise heart accepts commands, but a babbling fool will be ruined.
10:9  Whoever walks with integrity walks safely, but whoever follows crooked ways will be found out.
10:10  Whoever winks at evil causes trouble, and a babbling fool will be ruined.
10:11  The mouth of a righteous person is a fountain of life, but violence covers the mouth of the wicked.
10:12  Hatred stirs up a quarrel, but love covers all sins.
10:13  Wisdom is found on the lips of a discerning person, but a rod is appropriate for the back of one who lacks sense.
10:14  Wise people store up knowledge, but the mouth of a stubborn fool brings ruin.
10:15  A rich person’s wealth is his strong city. Poverty is the ruin of poor people.
10:16  The work of a righteous person leads to life. The income of a wicked person leads to sin.
10:17  Whoever practices discipline is on the path to life, but whoever rejects a warning goes astray.
10:18  Whoever conceals hatred has lying lips, and whoever spreads gossip is a fool.
10:19  When there are many words, sin never stops, but a person who restrains his lips acts wisely.
10:20  The tongue of a righteous person is fine silver. The heart of a wicked person has little value.
10:21  The lips of a righteous person shepherd many, but stubborn fools die for lack of sense.
10:22  The blessing of the Lord makes a person wealthy, and he adds no sorrow to it.
10:23  Carrying out a wicked scheme is a game for the fool, but wisdom gives pleasure to a person with understanding.
10:24  What the wicked person dreads will come upon him, but the Lord will grant what the righteous desire.
10:25  When the storm has passed, the wicked person is no more, but the righteous person has an everlasting foundation.
10:26  Like vinegar to the teeth and like smoke to the eyes, so is a lazy person to those who send him.
10:27  The fear of the Lord will add days to a person’s life, but the years of wicked people will be cut short.
10:28  The confident hope of the righteous is joy, but the ambitions of the wicked will perish.
10:29  The way of the Lord is a fortress for a person who has integrity, but it brings destruction for evildoers.
10:30  A righteous person will never be toppled, but wicked people will not dwell on earth.
10:31  The mouth of a righteous person produces the fruit of wisdom, but a perverse tongue will be cut off.
10:32  The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable, but the mouth of the wicked produces depraved words.