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10:1  The proverbs of Solomon: A wise son makes his father glad, but a foolish one fills his mother with sorrow.
10:2  Riches gained through dishonest means will eventually vanish, but doing what is right avoids a deadly consequence.
10:3  The Eternal does not allow the right-living to go hungry, but He will frustrate the plans of the wicked.
10:4  A slack hand produces nothing but poverty, but an industrious hand soon takes hold of riches.
10:5  A wise son stores up for the winter months while it is still summer, but a shameful son lies around even during the harvest.
10:6  Blessings come to those who do what is right, but words spoken by the wicked cover up violent schemes.
10:7  The memory of one who lived with integrity brings joy, but the legacy of a wrongdoer will rot away.
10:8  The wise at heart will gladly obey direction, but one who fills the air with meaningless talk will fall into ruin.
10:9  The path of integrity is always safe, but a person who follows a crooked way will be exposed.
10:10  Whoever winks his eye signals trouble, and whoever fills the air with meaningless talk will fall into ruin.
10:11  The mouth of the righteous is a spring of life, but words spoken by the wicked cover up violent schemes.
10:12  Hatred fuels dissension, but love calms all rebellions.
10:13  Wisdom lives where insightful words are spoken, but harsh punishment awaits the senseless.
10:14  The wise store up knowledge as a safeguard, but the meaningless chatter of fools means that chaos is near.
10:15  The wealth of the rich is their powerful fortress; the poverty of the poor reduces them to rubble.
10:16  The reward of those who do right is a satisfied life, but the profits gained by those who do wrong is used to sin.
10:17  Those who accept instruction are travelers on the road to a meaningful life, but those who refuse correction wander off and pave a path to ruin.
10:18  Lips that lie cover deep-seated hatred, and whoever spreads a libelous rumor is acting as a fool.
10:19  The more you talk, the more likely you will cross the line and say the wrong thing; but if you are wise, you’ll speak less and with restraint.
10:20  The speech of those who do right is of greater value than the finest silver, but the thoughts of wrongdoers are worthless.
10:21  The right-living teach many, but fools die with no clue how to live well.
10:22  The blessing of the Eternal is what makes someone rich, and He doesn’t add pain to it.
10:23  Mischief is the sport of fools, but wise actions bring joy to a person with insight.
10:24  Whatever wrongdoers fear the most will happen to them, but those who do right will receive what they long for.
10:25  After the storm passes, the wrongdoers are blown away, but those who do right are safe and sound on their firm foundations forever.
10:26  As vinegar vexes the teeth, and as smoke irritates the eyes, so a slacker annoys his boss.
10:27  Reverence for the Eternal makes for a long and peaceful life, but a wrongdoer will have years taken away.
10:28  The hope of those who do right is joy and celebration, but the only prospect for those who do wrong is futility.
10:29  The way of the Eternal offers safety to those who love justice, but it destroys those who perpetrate evil.
10:30  The right-living will never have their land taken away, but wrongdoers will be uprooted.
10:31  Wisdom flows from the mouths of those who do right, but tongues that twist the truth will be cut out.
10:32  The lips of the right-living understand what is proper, but the mouths of wrongdoers twist and pervert the truth.