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1:1  The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel.
1:2  To learn wisdom and discipline, to understand sayings that give insight,
1:3  to acquire discipline to act sensibly, to acquire righteousness, justice, and fairness,
1:4  to give good judgment to the inexperienced, to give a young man knowledge and foresight.
1:5  A wise person should listen, and he will increase learning. A person with understanding should obtain guidance
1:6  so he will understand proverbs, puzzling statements, and the thought-provoking words of the wise.
1:7  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but stubborn fools despise wisdom and discipline.
1:8  Listen, my son, to your father’s discipline, and do not forsake your mother’s teaching,
1:9  because they are a garland of grace for your head. They are jewelry for your neck.
1:10  My son, if sinners lure you, do not go along with them.
1:11  If they say, “Come with us. Let’s lie in wait to shed blood. Let’s hide and ambush an innocent person for no reason.
1:12  We will swallow them alive like the grave. We will swallow them whole like those who go down to the pit.
1:13  We will find all kinds of wealth and treasure. We will fill our houses with loot.
1:14  Cast your lot with us. We will all share one bag of money.”
1:15  My son, do not walk along the road with them. Do not set foot on their path,
1:16  because their feet run to do evil, and they hurry to shed blood.
1:17  How useless to spread a net in the sight of any bird!
1:18  Yet they set up an ambush for their own blood. They hide in ambush to take their own lives.
1:19  This is where the path leads for everyone who is greedy for stolen property: It takes away the life of those who possess it.
1:20  Wisdom calls out loudly in the street. In the public squares she raises her voice.
1:21  At the noisy street corners she calls out. At the entrances to the city gates she speaks her words:
1:22  “How long will you gullible people love being gullible? How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing? How long will fools hate knowledge?
1:23  If you respond to my warning, I will pour out my spirit for you. I will make my words known to you.
1:24  Because I called, but you refused to listen, because I stretched out my hand, but no one paid attention,
1:25  because you ignored all my advice, and you did not accept my warning,
1:26  therefore I will laugh at your calamity. I will jeer when terror strikes you,
1:27  when terror strikes you like a violent storm, when calamity strikes you like a windstorm, when trouble and distress come upon you.
1:28  Then they will call to me, but I will not answer. They will look for me, but they will not find me,
1:29  because they hated knowledge, and they did not choose the fear of the Lord.
1:30  They would not accept my advice, and they despised all my warnings.
1:31  So they will eat the fruit of their own way, and they will be stuffed with their own schemes.
1:32  Therefore the wandering ways of the gullible kill them, and the complacency of fools destroys them.
1:33  But whoever listens to me will live in safety. He will be secure, without fear of evil.”