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9:1  And the Lord spake to Moses, in the desert of Sinai (And the Lord spoke to Moses, in the Sinai Desert), in the second year after they went out of the land of Egypt, in the first month, and said,
9:2  The sons of Israel make they pask in his time, (Have the Israelites observe the Passover at this time,)
9:3  that is, in the fourteenth day of this month, at eventide, by all the ceremonies and justifyings thereof. (that is, on the fourteenth day of this month, in the evening, with all of its ceremonies and its customs.)
9:4  And Moses commanded to the sons of Israel, that they should make pask; (And so Moses commanded to the Israelites to observe the Passover;)
9:5  which made pask in his time, in the fourteen day of the month, at eventide, in the hill of Sinai; by all things that the Lord commanded to Moses, the sons of Israel did. (and so they observed the Passover at this time, on the fourteen day of the month, in the evening, in the Sinai Desert; all the things that the Lord commanded to Moses, the Israelites did.)
9:6  Lo! forsooth some men (that were) unclean on the soul of (a) man, that might not make pask in that day, nighed to Moses and to Aaron, (But some men, who were unclean from contact with the dead body of someone, and so could not observe the Passover on that day, came to Moses and Aaron,)
9:7  and said to them, We be unclean on the soul of (a) man; why be we defrauded, that we may not offer an offering to the Lord in his time, among the sons of Israel? (and said to them, We be made unclean from contact with the dead body of someone; but must we be denied, so that we cannot offer an offering to the Lord at this time, among the Israelites?)
9:8  To which Moses answered, Stand ye aside, or abideth, that I take counsel, what the Lord commandeth of you. (To whom Moses answered, Wait ye here, until I take counsel, what the Lord commandeth of you.)
9:9  And the Lord spake to Moses, and said,
9:10  Speak thou to the sons of Israel, A man of your folk that is unclean upon a soul, either is in the way far (off), make he pask to the Lord (Say thou to the Israelites, Anyone of your people who is made unclean from contact with a dead body, or is on the way afar off, shall observe the Passover to the Lord)
9:11  in the second month, in the fourteenth day of the month, at eventide; with therf loaves and lettuces of the field he shall eat it. (in the second month, on the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening; yea, they shall eat it with unleavened bread and field lettuce, or bitter herbs.)
9:12  They shall not leave anything thereof till to the morrowtide, and they shall not break a bone thereof; they shall keep all the custom of pask (they shall follow all the customs, or all the rites, of the Passover).
9:13  Forsooth if any man is clean, and is not in the way, and nevertheless made not [the] pask, that man shall be destroyed from his peoples, for he offered not sacrifice to the Lord in his time set, or covenable (time); he shall bear his sin. (But if anyone is clean, and is not away, and nevertheless did not observe the Passover, that person shall be cut off from his people, for he did not offer an offering to the Lord at the set, or the appointed, time; he shall bear his sin.)
9:14  Also if a pilgrim and a comeling is with you, make he pask to the Lord, by the ceremonies and the justifyings thereof; the same behest shall be with (all of) you, as well to a comeling as to a man born in the land. (And if a foreigner or a newcomer is with you, let him observe the Passover to the Lord, with all of its ceremonies and its customs, or its rites; the same law shall apply to all of you, to a newcomer, as well as to someone born in the land.)
9:15  Therefore in the day in which the tabernacle was raised, a cloud covered it; soothly as the likeness of fire was on the tent, that is, (the) tabernacle, from (the) eventide till to the morrowtide. (And on the day in which the Tabernacle was raised up, a cloud came and covered it; and a brightness like fire was over the Tent, that is, the Tabernacle, from the evening until the morning.)
9:16  Thus it was done continually, a cloud covered it by day, and as the likeness of fire by night. (Thus it was done continually, that a cloud stood over it by day, and a brightness like fire during the night.)
9:17  And when the cloud that covered the tabernacle was taken away, then the sons of Israel went forth; and in the place where the cloud stood, there they setted tents. (And when the cloud that covered the Tabernacle lifted up, and moved away, then the Israelites went forth; and in the place where the cloud stopped, there they pitched their tents.)
9:18  At the commandment of the Lord they went forth, and at his commandment they setted (up) the tabernacle. In all the days in which the cloud stood upon the tabernacle, they dwelled in the same place. (At the Lord’s command they went forth, and at his command they put up the Tabernacle. And all the days in which the cloud stood over the Tabernacle, they remained in the same place.)
9:19  And if it befelled that it dwelled much time upon the tabernacle, the sons of Israel were in the watches of the Lord, and they went not forth, (And if it befell that it stayed a long time over the Tabernacle, the Israelites kept watch for the Lord, and they did not go forth,)
9:20  in how many ever days the cloud was upon the tabernacle. At the commandment of the Lord they raised [the] tents, and at his commandment they did them down. (for however many days the cloud stood over the Tabernacle. At the Lord’s command they raised the tents, and at his command they did them down.)
9:21  If the cloud was standing upon the tabernacle from the eventide unto the morrowtide, and anon in the morrowtide had left, or gone thence, they went forth; and if, after a day and a night, the cloud had gone away, they scattered, either did down, the tents. (If the cloud stood over the Tabernacle from the evening until the morning, and then in the morning had left, or had gone away, they went forth at once; or if, after only a day, or only a night, the cloud went away, then they scattered, or did down, the tents, and they moved on.)
9:22  Whether in two months, either in one month, either in longer time, the cloud had been upon the tabernacle, the sons of Israel dwelled in the same place, and went not forth; but anon as it had gone away, they moved the tents. (Or when for one month, or two months, or for an even longer time, the cloud stood over the Tabernacle, the Israelites remained in the same place, and they went not forth; but as soon as it had gone away, then they moved the tents.)
9:23  By the word of the Lord they setted (up) their tents, and by his word they went forth; and they were in the watches of the Lord, by his commandment, by the hand of Moses. (By the word of the Lord they pitched their tents, and by his word they went forth; they kept watch for the Lord’s command, spoken by Moses.)