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28:1  Also the Lord said to Moses, (And the Lord said to Moses,)
28:2  Command thou to the sons of Israel, and thou shalt say to them, Offer ye by their times mine offering, and loaves, and incense of sweetest odour. (Command thou to the Israelites, and thou shalt say to them, At the appointed times, offer ye my food offerings, to make the incense of the sweetest aroma.)
28:3  These be the sacrifices which ye ought to offer; two lambs of one year, without wem, each day, into everlasting burnt sacrifice. (These be the offerings which ye ought to offer; two one-year-old lambs, without blemish, or without fault, for a continual, or a daily, burnt sacrifice.)
28:4  Ye shall offer one lamb early, and the tother at eventide. (Ye shall offer one lamb in the morning, and the other in the evening.)
28:5  The tenth part of (an) ephah of tried flour, that shall be sprinkled with purest oil, and have it the fourth part of (a) hin. (And the grain offering of the tenth of an ephah of fine flour, that shall be sprinkled with a quarter of a hin of most pure oil.)
28:6  It is (the) continual burnt sacrifice, which ye offered in the hill of Sinai, into odour of sweetest incense to the Lord. (This is the continual, or the daily, burnt sacrifice, which ye first offered at Mount Sinai, to make the incense of the sweetest aroma to the Lord.)
28:7  And (for the wine offering,) ye shall offer the fourth part of (a) hin of wine, by each lamb, in the saintuary of the Lord. (And for the wine offering, ye shall offer a quarter of a hin of wine with each lamb, in the sanctuary of the Lord.)
28:8  And ye shall offer in like manner the tother lamb at eventide, by all the custom of the morrow sacrifice, and of the moist sacrifices thereof, an offering of sweetest odour to the Lord. (And ye shall offer in like manner the other lamb in the evening, with all the customs, or all the rites, of the morning offering, with its grain and wine offerings, to make an offering of the sweetest aroma to the Lord.)
28:9  Soothly in the sabbath day ye shall offer two lambs of one year, without wem, and two tenth parts of tried flour sprinkled (al)together with oil, in sacrifice, (And on the sabbath day, ye shall offer an offering of two one-year-old lambs, without blemish, or without fault, with its grain offering of two tenths of an ephah of fine flour sprinkled with oil, and its wine offering,)
28:10  and the moist sacrifices that be poured (out) by custom, by all sabbaths, into everlasting burnt sacrifice. (on every sabbath, besides the continual, or the daily, offering, and its wine offering.)
28:11  Soothly in the calends, that is, in the beginnings of months, ye shall offer burnt sacrifice to the Lord, twain calves of the drove, one ram, seven lambs of one year, without wem, (And on the calends, that is, at the beginning of every month, ye shall offer a burnt sacrifice to the Lord, two calves from the herd, one ram, and seven one-year-old lambs, all without blemish, or without fault,)
28:12  and three tenth parts of [tried] flour sprinkled (al)together with oil, in the sacrifice, by each calf, and two tenth parts of [tried] flour sprinkled (al)together with oil, by each ram; (and for the grain offering, three tenths of an ephah of fine flour sprinkled with oil, with each calf, and two tenths of an ephah of fine flour sprinkled with oil, with each ram;)
28:13  and the tenth part of the tenth of [tried] flour sprinkled (al)together with oil, in the sacrifice, by each lamb; it is burnt sacrifice of sweetest odour, and of incense to the Lord. (and the tenth part of an ephah of fine flour sprinkled with oil, with each lamb; this is a burnt sacrifice to make the incense of the sweetest aroma to the Lord.)
28:14  Soothly the moist sacrifices of wine, that shall be poured (out) by all the slain sacrifices, shall be these; the half part of (a) hin by each calf, the third part by a ram, the fourth part by a lamb; this shall be the burnt sacrifices by each month, that come one after another while the year turneth about. (And the wine offerings, that shall be poured out with all the burnt sacrifices, shall be these; half a hin with each calf, the third of a hin with the ram, and a quarter of a hin with each lamb; all these shall be the burnt sacrifices for all the months, that come one after the other, while the year turneth about.)
28:15  Also a buck of (the) goats shall be offered to the Lord for sins, into everlasting burnt sacrifice, with his moist offerings. (And a goat buck shall be offered to the Lord for a sin offering, besides the continual, or the daily, burnt sacrifice, with its wine offering.)
28:16  Soothly in the first month, in the fourteenth day of the month, shall be pask, either (the) passing (over), of the Lord; (And in the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, shall be the Passover of the Lord;)
28:17  and in the fifteenth day shall be the solemnity of therf loaves. By seven days ye shall eat therf loaves; (and on the fifteenth day shall be the Feast of Unleavened Bread. For seven days ye shall eat only unleavened bread, that is, bread made without yeast;)
28:18  of which the first day shall be worshipful and holy; ye shall not do any servile work therein. (and on the first day there shall be a holy gathering; ye shall not do any daily work on it.)
28:19  And ye shall offer burnt sacrifice to the Lord, two calves, one ram, seven lambs of one year, without wem; (And ye shall offer a burnt sacrifice to the Lord, two calves, one ram, and seven one-year-old lambs, all without blemish, or without fault;)
28:20  and the sacrifices of each by itself of [tried] flour, which be sprinkled (al)together with oil, three tenth parts by each calf, and two tenth parts by a ram, (and with each offering its grain offering of fine flour sprinkled with oil, that is, three tenths of an ephah with each calf, and two tenths of an ephah with the ram,)
28:21  and the tenth part of the tenth by each lamb, that is, by seven lambs. (and the tenth of an ephah with each of the seven lambs.)
28:22  And ye shall offer one buck of (the) goats for sin, that cleansing be made for you, (And ye shall offer one goat buck for a sin offering, to make amends for you,)
28:23  besides the burnt sacrifice of the morrowtide, which ye shall offer ever[more]. (besides the morning burnt sacrifice, which ye shall offer continually, or daily.)
28:24  So ye shall do by each day of [the] seven days, into the nourishing of (the) fire, and into the sweetest odour to the Lord, that shall rise of the burnt sacrifice, and of the moist sacrifices of each offering. (So ye shall offer on each of the seven days, by the nourishing of the fire, to make the sweetest aroma to the Lord, besides the daily burnt sacrifice, with its wine offering.)
28:25  Also the seventh day shall be most solemn and holy to you; ye shall not do any servile work therein. (And on the seventh day, there shall also be a holy gathering; ye shall not do any daily work on it.)
28:26  Also the day of the first fruits, when ye shall offer new fruits to the Lord, when the weeks shall be fulfilled, shall be worshipful and holy; ye shall not do any servile work therein. (And on the Day of Firstfruits, that is, the Feast of Weeks, or the Harvest Festival, when ye shall offer your new grain to the Lord, yea, when the weeks shall be fulfilled, there shall be a holy gathering; ye shall not do any daily work on it.)
28:27  And ye shall offer burnt sacrifice to the Lord, into sweetest odour; two calves of the drove, one ram, and seven lambs of one year, without wem; (And ye shall offer a burnt sacrifice, to make the sweetest aroma to the Lord; two calves from the herd, one ram, and seven one-year-old lambs, all without blemish;)
28:28  and in the sacrifices of those ye shall offer three tenth parts of tried flour sprinkled (al)together with oil, by each calf, two tenth parts by the rams, (and with each offering ye shall offer its grain offering of fine flour sprinkled with oil, that is, three tenths of an ephah with each calf, two tenths of an ephah with each ram,)
28:29  the tenth part of the tenth by the lambs, which be all together seven lambs. (and the tenth part of an ephah with each of the seven lambs.)
28:30  And ye shall offer a buck of (the) goats (for sin), which is offered for cleansing, (And ye shall offer one goat buck for a sin offering, to make amends for you,)
28:31  besides [the] burnt sacrifice everlasting, and the moist sacrifices thereof; ye shall offer all things without wem, with their moist sacrifices. (besides the continual, or the daily, burnt sacrifice, with its grain and wine offerings; and ye shall offer all these things without blemish.)