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15:1  And the Lord spake to Moses, and said,
15:2  Speak thou to the sons of Israel (Speak thou to the Israelites), and thou shalt say to them, When ye have entered into the land of your habitation, which I shall give to you,
15:3  and ye shall make an offering to the Lord into burnt sacrifice, either a peaceable sacrifice, and ye pay avows, either offer gifts by free will, either in your solemnities ye burn odour of sweetness to the Lord, of oxen, either of sheep; (and ye shall make an offering to the Lord for a burnt sacrifice, or a peace offering, or ye pay vows, or freely offer gifts, or at your feasts, or your festivals, ye make the sweetest aroma to the Lord, by burning oxen, or sheep;)
15:4  whoever offereth the slain sacrifice, shall offer a sacrifice of flour, the tenth part of (an) ephah, sprinkled (al)together with oil, which oil shall have a measure (of) the fourth part of (a) hin; (whoever offereth a burnt sacrifice, shall also offer a grain offering, the tenth of an ephah, sprinkled with oil, which oil shall be a quarter of a hin;)
15:5  and he shall give wine to [the] flowing sacrifices to be poured (out), of the same measure, into burnt sacrifice, and slain sacrifice. (and he shall add the same measure of wine, for the wine offering to be poured out, with the burnt sacrifice.)
15:6  By each lamb and ram shall be the sacrifice of [tried] flour, of two tenth parts, which shall be sprinkled (al)together with oil, of the third part of (a) hin; (With each lamb and each ram shall be a grain offering of fine flour of two tenths of an ephah, which shall be sprinkled with a third of a hin of oil;)
15:7  and he shall offer wine to the flowing sacrifice, of the third part of the same measure, into odour of sweetness to the Lord. (and he shall offer wine of the same measure, for the wine offering, that is, a third of a hin, to make the sweetest aroma to the Lord.)
15:8  Forsooth when thou makest a burnt sacrifice, either an offering, of oxen, that thou [ful]fill a vow, either peaceable sacrifice[s], (And when thou makest a burnt sacrifice, or a sacrifice, of an ox, so that thou fulfill a vow, or a peace offering,)
15:9  thou shalt give, by each ox, three tenth parts of tried flour, sprinkled (al)together with oil, which shall have the half measure of (a) hin; (thou shalt give, with each ox, a grain offering of fine flour, three tenths of an ephah, sprinkled with half a hin of oil;)
15:10  and thou shalt give wine to [the] flowing sacrifice to be poured (out), of the same measure, into offering of the sweetest odour to the Lord. (and thou shalt give wine of the same measure, that is, half a hin, for the wine offering to be poured out, to make an offering of the sweetest aroma to the Lord.)
15:11  So ye shall do by each ox, and ram, and lamb, and kid; (So ye shall do with each ox, and ram, and lamb, and goat kid;)
15:12  (See verse 11 above.)
15:13  as well men born in the land, as pilgrims, shall offer sacrifices by the same custom; (people born in the land, as well as foreigners, or strangers, shall offer these offerings by the same custom;)
15:14  (See verse 13 above.)
15:15  (See verse 16 below.)
15:16  one commandment and doom shall be, as well to you as to [the] comelings of the land. (one law and one custom shall be for you, and for all the newcomers in the land.)
15:17  And the Lord spake to Moses, and said,
15:18  Speak thou to the sons of Israel, and thou shalt say to them, When ye come into the land which I shall give to you,
15:19  and ye eat of the loaves of that country, ye shall separate a little cake of your pastes to the Lord (ye shall set apart a little cake, as a contribution to the Lord);
15:20  as ye shall separate the first fruits of your cornfloors, (as ye shall set apart the first fruits from your threshing floors,)
15:21  so ye shall give the first fruits also of your sowls to the Lord. (so ye shall also give the first fruits of your dough to the Lord.)
15:22  That if by ignorance ye pass (over) any of those things which the Lord spake to Moses, (And if, by ignorance, ye forget to do any of these things which the Lord spoke to Moses,)
15:23  and [hath] commanded by him to you, from the day in which he began to command (to Moses), and over (and thereafter),
15:24  and the multitude hath forgotten to do this, it shall offer a calf of the drove, (for) burnt sacrifice into sweetest odour to the Lord, and the sacrifices thereof, and (the) flowing offerings, as the ceremonies thereof ask; and it shall offer a buck of (the) goats for sin. (but the multitude hath forgotten to do this, they shall offer a calf from the herd, for a burnt sacrifice, to make the sweetest aroma to the Lord, with its grain and wine offerings, as such ceremonies require; and they shall offer a goat buck for a sin offering.)
15:25  And the priest shall pray for all the multitude of the sons of Israel, and it shall be forgiven to them, for they sinned not willfully. And nevertheless they shall offer incense to the Lord for themselves, and for their sin, and their error; (And the priest shall make amends for all the multitude of the Israelites, and it shall be forgiven to them, for they did not sin willfully, or intentionally. And they have now offered incense to the Lord for themselves, yea, a sin offering for their error;)
15:26  and it shall be forgiven to all the people of the sons of Israel, and to the comelings that be pilgrims among them, for it is the sin of all the multitude by ignorance. (and so it shall be forgiven to all the people of the Israelites, and to the foreigners who be newcomers among them, for it is a sin of ignorance by all the multitude.)
15:27  That if a soul sinneth unwittingly, it shall offer a [she] goat of one year for his sin; (And if someone sinneth unwittingly, he shall offer a one-year-old she goat, for his sin offering;)
15:28  and the priest shall pray for that soul, for it sinned unwittingly before the Lord; and the priest shall get forgiveness to it, and the sin shall be forgiven to him. (and the priest shall make amends for that person, for he sinned unwittingly before the Lord; and so the priest shall get forgiveness for him, and his sin shall be forgiven.)
15:29  As well to men born in the land, as to comelings, one law shall be of all that sin unwittingly. (Yea, for men born in the land, as well as for newcomers, one law shall be for all who sin unwittingly, or unintentionally.)
15:30  Forsooth a man that doeth any sin by pride, shall perish from the people, whether he be a citizen, either a pilgrim, for he was rebel against the Lord; (But anyone who doeth any sin by pride, shall be cut off from the people/shall be put to death, whether he is a citizen, or a foreigner, for he rebelled against the Lord;)
15:31  for he despised the word of the Lord, and made void his commandment; therefore he shall be done away (and so he shall be cut off/and so he shall be put to death), and shall bear his own wickedness.
15:32  Soothly it was done, when the sons of Israel were in wilderness, and they had found a man gathering wood in the sabbath day, (And it was done, when the Israelites were still in the wilderness, and they found a man gathering wood on the sabbath day,)
15:33  they brought him to Moses, and to Aaron, and to all the multitude;
15:34  the which closed, or put, him into prison, and they knew not what they should do to him. (and they enclosed him in prison, and they did not know what they should do with him.)
15:35  And the Lord said to Moses, This man die by death; all the company oppress him with stones without the tents. (And the Lord said to Moses, This man must be put to death; take him away from the tents, and have all the people kill him with stones.)
15:36  And when they had led him withoutforth, they killed him with stones, and (so) he was dead, as the Lord commanded (to Moses).
15:37  Also the Lord said to Moses,
15:38  Speak thou to the sons of Israel, and thou shalt say to them, that they make to them hems by (the) four corners of their mantles, and fasten they in them laces of jacinth; (Speak thou to the Israelites, and thou shalt say to them, beginning now, and forevermore, they shall put tassels on the four corners of their mantles, and fasten a blue ribbon to the tassels;)
15:39  and when they see those, have they mind of all the commandments of the Lord, lest they follow their [own] thoughts and their eyes, doing fornication by diverse things. (and when they see those things, they shall remember all the Lord’s commands, lest they follow their own thoughts, and their own eyes, and do idolatry with diverse things;)
15:40  but more be they mindful of the behests of the Lord, and do they those, and be they holy to their God. (yea, let them remember the Lord’s commands, and do they them, and be they holy, yea, consecrated to their God.)
15:41  I am your Lord God, which led you out of the land of Egypt, that I should be your God. (I am the Lord your God, who led you out of the land of Egypt, so that I could be your God.)