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3:1  Woe to the city of blood, steeped in lies, full of prey, with no end to the plunder!
3:2  The crack of the whip! The rattle of wheels! Galloping horses, jolting chariots,
3:3  cavalry charging, swords flashing, spears glittering — and hosts of slain, heaps of bodies; there is no end to the corpses; they stumble over their corpses.
3:4  “Because of the continual whoring of this whore, this alluring mistress of sorcery, who sells nations with her whoring and families with her sorcery;
3:5  I am against you,” says Adonai-Tzva’ot. “I will uncover your skirts on your face; I will show the nations your private parts and the kingdoms your shame.
3:6  I will pelt you with disgusting filth, disgrace you and make a spectacle of you.
3:7  Then all who see you will recoil from you; they will say, ‘Ninveh is destroyed!’ Who will mourn for her? Where can I find people to comfort you?”
3:8  Are you any better than No-Amon, located among the streams of the Nile, with water all around her, the flood her wall of defense?
3:9  Ethiopia and Egypt gave her boundless strength, Put and Luvim were there to help you.
3:10  Still she went captive into exile, her infants torn to pieces at every streetcorner. Lots were drawn for her nobles, and all her great men were bound in chains.
3:11  You too, [Ninveh,] will be drunk; your senses completely overcome. You too will seek a refuge from the enemy.
3:12  All your fortifications will be like fig trees with early ripening figs; the moment they are shaken, they fall into the mouth of the eater.
3:13  Look at your troops! They behave like women! Your country’s gates are wide open to your foes; fire has consumed their bars.
3:14  Draw water for the siege! Strengthen your fortifications! Go down in the clay, tread the mortar, Take hold of the mold for bricks!
3:15  There the fire will burn you up; and the sword will cut you down; it will devour you like grasshoppers. Make yourselves as many as grasshoppers, Make yourselves as many as locusts!
3:16  You had more merchants than stars in the sky. The locust sheds its skin and flies away.
3:17  Your guards are like grasshoppers, your marshals like swarms of locusts, which settle on the walls on a cold day, but when the sun rises they fly away; they vanish to no one knows where.
3:18  Your shepherds are slumbering, king of Ashur. Your leaders are asleep. Your people are scattered all over the mountains, with no one to round them up.