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2:1  Look! On the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, proclaiming shalom. Keep your festivals, Y’hudah, fulfill your vows; for B’liya‘al will never pass through you again; he has been completely destroyed.
2:2  A destroyer has risen in front of your face; guard the ramparts, keep watch on the road, brace yourselves, marshall all your strength.
2:3  For Adonai is restoring the pride of Ya‘akov, along with the pride of Isra’el; because plunderers have plundered them and ravaged their vines.
2:4  The shields of [Ninveh’s] warriors are [dyed] red; the soldiers are wearing scarlet. The steel of the chariots flashes like fire as they prepare for battle. The cypress [spears] are poisoned.
2:5  The chariots rush madly about in the streets, jostling each other in the open places; their appearance is like torches, they run here and there like lightning.
2:6  [The king of Ninveh] assigns his officers; they stumble as they march; they hurry to its wall and set up shields to protect the battering ram.
2:7  The gates of the rivers are opened, and the palace melts away.
2:8  Its mistress is stripped and carried away; her handmaids moan, they sound like doves, as they beat their breasts.
2:9  Ninveh is like a pool whose water ebbs away. “Stop! Stop!” But none of it goes back.
2:10  Plunder the silver! Plunder the gold! There is no end to the treasure, weighed down with precious things.
2:11  She is void, vacant; she is made bare. Hearts are melting, knees are knocking; every stomach is churning, every face is drained of color.
2:12  What has become of the lion’s den, the cave where the young lions fed, where lion and lioness walked with their cubs, and no one made them afraid?
2:13  The lion would tear up food for his cubs and strangle prey for his lionesses; he used to fill his caves with prey, his lairs with torn flesh.