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1:1  The oracle concerning Nineveh—the book of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite.
1:2  A jealous and avenging God is Adonai. Yes, Adonai is the avenger and master of wrath. Adonai is avenger to His adversaries, Yes, a keeper of wrath for His foes.
1:3  Adonai is slow to anger and great in power, but He will by no means acquit the guilty. Adonai’s way is with a whirlwind or with a storm wind, Clouds are the dust of His feet.
1:4  Rebuking the sea, He made it dry, as He has dried up all the rivers. Bashan and Carmel languished, Yes, Lebanon’s budding languished.
1:5  Mountains quaked because of Him, and the hills have melted. The earth has heaved up at His presence— yes, the world and everything dwelling in it.
1:6  Before His indignation who can stand? Who can withstand His burning anger? His wrath is poured out like fire, and cliffs break down before Him.
1:7  Adonai is good as a refuge in the day of distress, and He knows those who take refuge in Him.
1:8  But with an overwhelming flood, He will make that place a total ruin. Darkness will pursue His enemies.
1:9  What can you scheme against Adonai? He will make a complete destruction. Distress will not arise twice.
1:10  For even like tangled thorns they will be consumed, or like drunkards who are drunk, or like stubble that is fully dry.
1:11  Out of you has come a schemer of evil against Adonai, a counselor of Belial.
1:12  Thus said Adonai: Though they are strong and numerous, even so they will be mowed down and pass away. Although I have afflicted you, I will afflict you no more.
1:13  I will now break his yoke from you, and tear apart your bonds.
1:14  Adonai has issued a command against you: no more will your name be spread. From the house of your gods I will cut off the idol and metal image. I will prepare your grave— for you have become worthless.