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7:1  And this is the law of sacrifice for trespass; it is holy of holy things. (And this is the law for the trespass offering; it is a most holy, or sacred, thing.)
7:2  Therefore where burnt sacrifice is offered, also the sacrifice for trespass shall be slain; the blood thereof shall be shed by compass of the altar. (The trespass offering shall be killed in the same place, where the burnt sacrifice is killed; and its blood shall be thrown against all the sides of the altar.)
7:3  They shall offer the tail thereof, and the fatness that covereth the entrails,
7:4  the two little reins, and the fatness which is beside the ileum, and the caul of the maw, with the little reins.
7:5  And the priest shall burn those on the altar; it is incense of the Lord, for trespass (it is incense for the Lord, it is a trespass offering).
7:6  Each male of the priests’ kin shall eat these fleshes in the holy place, for it is holy of holy things. (Any male of the priests’ kin can eat this flesh, but only in a holy place, for it is a most holy, or sacred, thing.)
7:7  As a sacrifice is offered for sin, so and for trespass, one law shall be of ever either sacrifice; it shall pertain to the priest, that offereth it. (As for the sin offering, so for the trespass offering, yea, one law shall be for both offerings; and it shall belong to the priest who offereth it.)
7:8  The priest that offereth the beast of (a) burnt sacrifice shall have the skin thereof.
7:9  And each sacrifice of [tried] wheat flour, that is baken in an oven, and whatever is made ready in a griddle, either in a frying pan, it shall be that priest’s, of whom it is offered, (And each offering of fine wheat flour, that is baked in an oven, or is cooked in a frying pan, or on a griddle, shall be the priest’s, who offered it.)
7:10  whether it is sprinkled with oil, either dry. To all the sons of Aaron even measure shall be parted, to each [one] by themselves. (But all of the priests, the sons of Aaron, shall receive an equal share of the uncooked grain offerings, whether they be sprinkled with oil, or be dry.)
7:11  This is the law of the sacrifice of peaceable things, which is offered to the Lord. (And this is the law for the peace offerings which be offered to the Lord.)
7:12  If the offering is for the doing of thankings, they shall offer loaves without sourdough sprinkled with oil, and thin therf cakes, that be anointed with oil; and they shall offer [tried] wheat flour baken, and little round loaves, sprinkled altogether with the meddling of oil. (If the offering is a thank offering, they shall offer bread made without yeast and sprinkled with oil, and thin unleavened wafers that be anointed with oil, and little round cakes of fine wheat flour, mixed with oil.)
7:13  Also they shall offer loaves dighted with sourdough, with the sacrifice of thankings which is offered for peaceable things; (And they shall offer loaves made with yeast, with the thank offering, which is a peace offering;)
7:14  of all one loaf shall be offered to the Lord for the first fruits, and it shall be the priest’s that shall pour the blood of the sacrifice, (and one part of every offering shall be offered to the Lord as a special contribution, and it shall be the priest’s who shall throw the blood of the sacrifice against all the sides of the altar,)
7:15  whose flesh shall be eaten in the same day (whose flesh shall be eaten on the same day), neither anything of those shall dwell till the morrowtide.
7:16  If a man offereth a sacrifice by a vow, either by free will, it shall be eaten in like manner in the same day; but also if anything dwelleth into the morrow, it is leaveful to eat it; (If someone offereth an offering to fulfill a vow, or by free will, it shall be eaten in like manner on the same day; and if anything dwelleth into the next day, it is lawful to eat it;)
7:17  soothly [the] fire shall waste whatever thing the third day shall find.
7:18  If any man eateth in the third day of the flesh of [the] sacrifice of peaceable things (If anyone eateth the flesh of the peace offering on the third day), his offering shall be made void, neither it shall profit to the offerer; but rather, whatever soul defouleth himself with such meat, he shall be guilty of breaking of the law.
7:19  [The] Flesh that toucheth any unclean thing shall not be eaten, but it shall be burnt by fire (but it shall be burned in the fire); (then) he that is clean, shall eat it.
7:20  A polluted soul, that is, a defouled man, that eateth of the flesh of the sacrifice of peaceable things, which is offered to the Lord, shall perish from his peoples. (A polluted soul, that is, any defiled person, who eateth the flesh of the peace offering that is offered to the Lord, shall be cut off from his people.)
7:21  And he that toucheth [the] uncleanness of man, either of beast, either of all thing that may defoul, and eateth of such fleshes, shall perish from his peoples. (And anyone who toucheth the uncleanness of man, or of beast, or of anything that can defile someone, and eateth such flesh, shall be cut off from his people.)
7:22  And the Lord spake to Moses, and said,
7:23  Speak thou to the sons of Israel, Ye shall not eat the inner fatness of a sheep, of an ox, and of a goat; (Say thou to the Israelites, Ye shall not eat the inner fat of a sheep, or of an ox, or of a goat;)
7:24  ye shall have into diverse uses the inner fatness of a carcass dead by itself, and of that beast which is taken, or slain, of a ravenous beast. (ye shall put into diverse uses the inner fat of a beast that dieth naturally, or of a beast which is killed by a ravenous beast, but ye shall not eat it.)
7:25  If any man eateth the inner fatness, that oughteth to be offered into incense to the Lord, he shall perish from his people. (If anyone eateth the inner fat, that ought to be offered as incense to the Lord, he shall be cut off from his people.)
7:26  Also ye shall not take in meat the blood of any beast, as well of birds, as of beasts; (And ye shall not eat the blood of any beast, or any bird, wherever ye shall live;)
7:27  each man that eateth blood shall perish from his peoples. (anyone who eateth blood shall be cut off from his people.)
7:28  And the Lord spake to Moses, and said,
7:29  Speak thou to the sons of Israel, He that offereth a sacrifice of peaceable things to the Lord, offer he together also a sacrifice, that is, the flowing offerings thereof. (Say thou to the Israelites, He who offereth a peace offering shall give part of it as a special gift to the Lord, which the priest shall receive.)
7:30  He shall hold in his hands the inner fatness of the sacrifice, and the breast; and when he hath hallowed both (of) these (to be) offered to the Lord, he shall take them to the priest,
7:31  the which shall burn the inner fatness upon the altar; soothly the breast shall be Aaron’s and his sons’;
7:32  and the right shoulder of the sacrifices of peaceable things shall turn into the first fruits of the priest. (and the right shoulder of the peace offering shall be a special contribution, given to the priest who killeth the offering.)
7:33  He that of Aaron’s sons offereth the blood, and the inner fatness, shall have also the right shoulder in his portion. (Yea, the priest, of the sons of Aaron, who offereth the blood, and the inner fat, shall also have the right shoulder for his portion.)
7:34  For I have taken from the sons of Israel the breast of raising, and the shoulder of separating, of their peaceable sacrifices, and I have given those to Aaron the priest and to his sons, by everlasting law, of all the people of Israel. (For I have taken from the Israelites the breast of raising, as a special gift, and the shoulder of separating, as a special contribution, out of their peace offerings, and I have given them to Aaron the priest, and to his sons, by an everlasting law, from all the people of Israel.)
7:35  This is the anointing of Aaron, and of his sons, that is, (their portion of) the offering in the day of their anointing, in the ceremonies of the Lord, in the day wherein Moses offered them, that they should be set in priesthood, (This is the portion for Aaron, and for his sons, out of the offerings given on the day of their installation, or their ordination, in the ceremonies of the Lord, on the day when they were presented to serve as priests,)
7:36  and which things the Lord commanded to be given to them of the sons of Israel, by everlasting religion in their generations. (and which things the Lord commanded to be given to them by the Israelites, by an everlasting law for all their generations.)
7:37  This is the law of burnt sacrifice, and of sacrifice for sin, and for trespass, and for hallowing, and for the sacrifices of peaceable things; (This then is the law for burnt sacrifices, grain offerings, sin offerings, trespass offerings, installation, or ordination, offerings, and peace and thank offerings;)
7:38  which law the Lord ordained to Moses in the hill of Sinai, when he commanded to the sons of Israel that they should offer their offerings to the Lord, in the desert of Sinai. (which law the Lord ordained to Moses on Mount Sinai, when he commanded to the Israelites that they should offer their sacrifices to the Lord, in the Sinai Desert.)