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22:1  And the Lord spake to Moses, and said,
22:2  Speak thou to Aaron and to his sons, that they beware of these things of the sons of Israel, which things be hallowed, or offered; and that they defoul not the name of the things hallowed to me, which they offer; I am the Lord. (Say thou to Aaron and to his sons, that they must treat with respect those things which the Israelites offer, or dedicate, to me, so that they do not defile my holy name; I am the Lord.)
22:3  Say thou to them, and to the after-comers of them, Each man of your kindred, that nigheth to those things that be hallowed, and which things the sons of Israel offered to the Lord, in whom is uncleanness, he shall perish before the Lord; I am the Lord. (Say thou to them, and to their after-comers, Anyone of your kindred, who is unclean, but still cometh near those things that be dedicated, yea, which things the Israelites have offered to the Lord, he shall never again be allowed to come before the Lord; I am the Lord.)
22:4  A man of the seed of Aaron that is leprous, either suffereth (the) flowing out of seed, shall not eat of these things, that be hallowed to me, till he be healed. He that toucheth an(y) unclean thing on a dead body, and from whom the seed as of lechery goeth out (or from whom the seed of lechery goeth out),
22:5  and that toucheth a creeping beast, and whatever unclean thing, whose touching is foul, (or who toucheth a creeping beast, or whatever unclean thing, whose touching is foul,)
22:6  he shall be unclean till to eventide, and he shall not eat these things that be hallowed to me; but when he hath washed his flesh in water,
22:7  and the sun hath gone down, then he shall be cleansed, and shall eat hallowed things, for it is his meat. (and the sun hath gone down, then he shall be clean, and he can eat the dedicated things, or the sacred offerings, for this is his food.)
22:8  He shall not eat a thing dead by itself, and taken of a beast, neither he shall be defouled in those things; I am the Lord. (He shall not eat anything that dieth naturally, or that is killed by a beast, so that he be not defiled with those things; I am the Lord.)
22:9  They shall keep my behests, that they be not subject to sin, and die in the saintuary, when they have defouled it; I am the Lord that hallow(eth) you. (They shall obey my commands, so that they be not subject to sin, and then die in the sanctuary, when they have defiled it; I am the Lord who maketh you holy.)
22:10  Each alien shall not eat of things hallowed; the hind that is a stranger, and the hired man of the priest, shall not eat of those things. (No one not of the priestly family shall eat any of the dedicated things; yea, even a visitor to the priest, or his hired man, shall not eat those things.)
22:11  Soothly these servants, that the priest hath bought, and he that is a born servant of his house, shall eat of those things. (But those slaves, whom the priest hath bought, or he who is a slave born in his house, can eat those things.)
22:12  If the priest’s daughter is wedded to any man of the people, she shall not eat of these things that be hallowed, and of the first fruits (or of the first fruits);
22:13  soothly if she is a widow, either forsaken, and turneth again without free children to her father’s house, she shall be sustained by the meats of her father, as a damsel was wont (to be); each alien hath not power to eat of those things. (but if she is a widow, or forsaken, and returneth to her father’s house without any children, she shall be sustained by her father’s food, as any young woman is wont to be; but no foreigner, or stranger, can eat those things.)
22:14  He that eateth by ignorance of hallowed things, shall add to (it) the fifth part with that that he ate, and he shall give it to the priest in the saintuary, (He who eateth any of the dedicated things in ignorance, shall add the fifth part to what he ate, and he shall give it to the priest in the sanctuary,)
22:15  and they shall not defoul the hallowed things of the sons of Israel, which they offer to the Lord,
22:16  lest peradventure they suffer the wickedness of their trespass, when they have eaten the hallowed things; I am the Lord that hallow them.
22:17  The Lord spake to Moses, and said,
22:18  Speak thou to Aaron, and to his sons, and to all the sons of Israel, and thou shalt say to them, A man of the house of Israel, and of the comelings that dwell with them, that offereth his offering to the Lord, and either payeth avows, either offereth by his free will, whatever thing he offereth into burnt sacrifice of the Lord (whatever thing he offereth for a burnt sacrifice to the Lord),
22:19  that it be offered by you, it shall be a male without wem, of oxen, and of sheep, and of goats; (that it be acceptable, ye shall offer a male without blemish, or without fault, of the oxen, or the sheep, or the goats;)
22:20  if it hath a wem (but if it hath a blemish, or a fault), ye shall not offer it, neither it shall be acceptable.
22:21  A man that offereth a sacrifice of peaceable things to the Lord, and either payeth avows, either offereth by free will, as well of oxen as of sheep, he shall offer a beast without wem, that it be acceptable; no wem shall be therein. (A man who offereth a peace offering to the Lord, whether he payeth a vow, or offereth by free will, whether of oxen or of sheep, he shall offer a beast without blemish, so that it be acceptable; yea, no blemish shall be upon it.)
22:22  If it is blind, if it is broken, if it hath a wound or a scar, if it hath whelks, either (a) scab, either (a) dry scab, ye shall not offer those beasts to the Lord, neither ye shall burn (any) of those beasts upon the altar of the Lord.
22:23  A man may offer willfully a sheep and an ox (that hath anything) superfluous and diminished, that is, having a member superfluous, either failing a member; but a vow may not be paid of these beasts. (Someone may make a freewill offering of a sheep or of an ox that hath something superfluous, or something missing, that is, that hath an extra member, or is missing a member; but a vow cannot be satisfied with these beasts.)
22:24  Ye shall not offer to the Lord any beast, whose privy members be broken, either bruised, either cut, and taken away, and utterly ye shall not do these things in your land (yea, ye shall never offer such a beast in your land).
22:25  Of the hand of an alien ye shall not offer loaves to your God, and whatever other thing he will give, for all (their) things be corrupt and defouled; ye shall not receive those. (Ye shall not offer loaves to your God from the hand of a foreigner, or of a stranger, or any other thing that he shall give you, for all their things be corrupted and defiled; ye shall not take them.)
22:26  And the Lord spake to Moses, and said,
22:27  When an ox, sheep, and goat be brought forth of the mother’s womb, in seven days those shall be under the teat of their mother; soothly in the eighth day, and from thenceforth, those may be offered to the Lord, (When an ox, a sheep, or a goat be brought forth from the mother’s womb, they shall be under their mother’s teat for seven days; but on the eighth day, and from thenceforth, they can be offered to the Lord,)
22:28  whether that is a cow, whether a sheep; those shall not be offered in one day with their fruits. (but whether it is a cow, or a sheep, thou shalt not offer them on the same day with their young.)
22:29  If ye offer to the Lord a sacrifice for the doing of thankings, that it may be pleasant [that it may be pleasable], (If ye offer a sacrifice of a thank offering to the Lord, so that it shall be acceptable,)
22:30  ye shall eat it in the same day in which it is offered; anything thereof (ye) shall not leave into the morrowtide of the tother day; I am the Lord. (ye shall eat it on the same day in which it is offered; ye shall not leave anything of it into the morning of the next day; I am the Lord.)
22:31  Keep ye my behests, and do ye those; I am the Lord.
22:32  Defoul ye not mine holy name, that I be hallowed in the midst of the sons of Israel; I am the Lord, that hallow(eth) you, (Do not ye defile my holy name, I shall be hallowed in the midst of the Israelites; I am the Lord, who maketh you holy,)
22:33  and led you out of the land of Egypt, that I should be to you into God (so that I could become your God); I am the Lord.