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11:1  And the Lord spake to Moses and Aaron, and said,
11:2  Say ye to the sons of Israel (Say ye to the Israelites), Keep ye all things which I wrote to you, (so) that I (shall) be your God. These be the beasts, which ye shall eat, (out) of all the living beasts of (the) earth;
11:3  ye shall eat all things among beasts that have the claw parted, and cheweth the cud; (ye shall eat all those among the beasts that have a divided hoof, or foot, and that chew the cud;)
11:4  soothly whatever thing cheweth cud, and hath a claw, but parteth not it, as a camel, and other beasts (but whatever beast cheweth the cud, and hath a hoof, or a foot, but it is not divided, like a camel, and other beasts), ye shall not eat it, and ye shall areckon it among unclean things.
11:5  A coney, which cheweth (the) cud, and parteth not the claw (but its foot is not divided), is unclean;
11:6  and an hare, for also he cheweth (the) cud, but parteth not the claw (but its foot is not divided);
11:7  and a swine, that cheweth not the cud, though he parteth the claw (though its hoof is divided).
11:8  Ye shall not eat the flesh of these beasts, neither ye shall touch their dead bodies, for those be unclean to you.
11:9  Also these things be that be engendered in waters, and [it] is leaveful to eat; ye shall eat all things that have fins and scales, as well in the sea, as in [the] fresh floods, and standing waters; (And these things that be begotten in waters, it is lawful for ye to eat; ye shall eat all the things that have fins and scales, that be in the sea, as well as those that be in fresh water rivers, and lakes, and ponds;)
11:10  soothly whatever thing of them that be moved and live in waters (but whichever of them that move and live in water), (but) hath not fins and scales, shall be abominable, and loathsome to you;
11:11  and ye shall not eat the flesh of those, and ye shall eschew their bodies dead by themselves. (and ye shall not eat their flesh, and ye shall shun their dead bodies.)
11:12  All things in [the] waters that have not fins and scales, shall be polluted, (that is, defiled, or unclean).
11:13  These things be of (the) fowls which ye shall not eat, and shall be eschewed of you (and shall be shunned by you); an eagle, and a gripe, [and] an aliet,
11:14  and a kite, and a vulture by his kind;
11:15  and all the kind of ravens by his likeness;
11:16  a struthio, and a night crow, [and] a lari, or a coot, and a hawk by his kind;
11:17  an owl, and a dipper (and a divedapper), and (a) ciconia;
11:18  a swan, and a cormorant, and a pelican;
11:19  a falcon, [and] a jay by his kind; [and] a lapwing, and a rearmouse, or a bat.
11:20  All thing of fowls that goeth on four feet, shall be abominable to you; (All creatures with wings, that is, insects, that go upon four feet, shall be abominable to you;)
11:21  soothly whatever thing goeth on four feet, but hath longer hips behind, by which it skippeth on the earth (by which it leapeth upon the ground), ye shall eat;
11:22  as is a bruchus, that is, the fruit of locusts before it hath wings, in his kind, and (an) accatus, that is, the fruit of locusts when it beginneth to have wings, and (an) ophimachus, [that is, a foul enemy to serpents,] and a locust, all by their kind.
11:23  Forsooth whatever thing of birds (that) hath four feet only, it shall be abominable to you; (But all other creatures with wings that hath four feet, they shall be abominable to you;)
11:24  and whoever toucheth their bodies dead by themselves, shall be polluted, or defouled, and shall be unclean till to eventide; (and whoever toucheth their dead bodies, shall be polluted, or defiled, and shall be unclean until the evening;)
11:25  and if it is need, that he bear any dead thing of these, he shall wash his clothes, and he shall be unclean till to the going down of the sun.
11:26  Soothly each beast that hath a claw, but parteth not it, neither cheweth cud, shall be unclean; and whatever thing toucheth it, shall be defouled. (And each beast that hath a hoof, or a foot, but it is not parted, nor cheweth the cud, shall be unclean; and whatever thing that toucheth it, shall be defiled, or unclean.)
11:27  That that goeth on hands, of all beasts that go on four feet, shall be unclean; he that toucheth their bodies dead by themselves, shall be defouled till to eventide (he who toucheth their dead bodies, shall be defiled, or unclean, until the evening);
11:28  and he, that beareth such dead bodies, shall wash his clothes, and he shall be unclean till to eventide; for all these things be unclean to you.
11:29  Also these things shall be areckoned among defouled things, of these things that be moved on earth (of these things that move upon the ground); a weasel, and a mouse, and a crocodile, each after his kind;
11:30  a migale, (and) a chameleon, and (a) stellion, and a lacert, and a mouldwarp.
11:31  All these be unclean; he that toucheth their bodies dead by themselves (he who toucheth their dead bodies), shall be unclean till to eventide;
11:32  and that thing shall be defouled, on which anything of their bodies dead by themselves falleth, as well a vessel of wood, and a cloth, as skins, or pilches, either hair-shirts; and in whatever thing work is made, it shall be dipped in water, and those things shall be defouled till to eventide, and so afterward they shall be cleansed. (and anything shall be defiled, on which any of their dead bodies falleth, yea, a vessel of wood, or a cloak, or skins, or pilches, or hair-shirts, however they might be used; it shall be dipped in water, and shall remain defiled until the evening, and then it shall be clean again.)
11:33  Soothly a vessel of earth, in which anything of these falleth within, shall be defouled, and therefore it shall be broken. (And an earthen, or a clay, vessel, in which any of these things falleth within, shall be unclean, and so it shall be broken.)
11:34  Each meat, that ye shall eat, shall be unclean, if water of such a vessel is poured out thereon; and each flowing thing, that is drunken of such a vessel, shall be unclean; (Any food that ye shall eat, shall be unclean, if water from such a vessel is poured out onto it; and anything that is drunk from such a vessel, shall be unclean;)
11:35  and whatever thing of such dead bodies by themselves shall fall upon (and anything that a dead body of such a creature shall fall upon), it shall be unclean, whether furnaces, or kettles standing upon three feet, (and) they shall be destroyed, and shall be unclean.
11:36  Soothly wells and cisterns, and all the gatherings together of waters, shall be clean. He that toucheth their body dead by itself, shall be defouled (But whoever toucheth their dead body shall be defiled, or unclean).
11:37  If it falleth upon (a) seed, it shall not defoul the seed;
11:38  soothly if any man sheddeth out [the] seed with water, and afterward the water is touched with dead bodies by themselves, it shall be defouled anon. (but if anyone poureth out the seed with water, and afterward the seed is touched by their dead bodies, at once it shall be defiled, or unclean.)
11:39  If a beast is dead, which it is leaveful to you to eat (If a beast dieth naturally, which it is lawful for you to eat), he that toucheth the dead body thereof shall be unclean till to eventide;
11:40  and he that eateth thereof anything, either beareth it, shall wash his clothes, and shall be unclean till to eventide.
11:41  All thing that creepeth upon earth, shall be abominable, neither it shall be into meat. (All things that creep upon the ground, shall be abominable, and shall not be eaten.)
11:42  Whatever thing goeth upon the breast, and on four feet, and hath many feet, either is drawn by the earth, ye shall not eat it, for it is abominable. (Whatever thing goeth on its breast, or hath many feet, or draweth itself upon the ground, ye shall not eat it, for it is abominable.)
11:43  Do not ye defoul your souls, neither touch ye anything of them, lest ye be unclean;
11:44  for I am your Lord God; be ye holy, for I am holy. Defoul ye not your souls in each creeping thing that is moved upon earth (Defile ye not your souls with any creeping thing that moveth upon the ground);
11:45  for I am the Lord, that led you out of the land of Egypt, that I should be to you into God; ye shall be holy, for I am holy. (for I am the Lord, who led you out of the land of Egypt, so that I could become your God; ye shall be holy, for I am holy.)
11:46  This is the law of living beasts, and of fowls, and of each living thing that is moved in water, and creepeth in earth; (This is the law concerning living beasts, and birds, and each living thing that moveth in water, and that creepeth upon the ground;)
11:47  that ye know the differences of clean thing and unclean (so that ye know the difference between clean and unclean things), and that ye know what ye shall eat, and what ye ought to forsake.