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7:1  Then Jerubbaal, which also is Gideon, rose by night, and all the people with him, and came to the well which is called Harod. And the tents of Midian were in the valley, at the north coast of the high hill. (Then Jerubbaal, that is Gideon, and all the people with him, rose up early, and they came to the well which is called Harod. And the tents of the Midianites were pitched in the valley to the north of Mount Moreh.)
7:2  And the Lord said to Gideon, (Too) Much people is with thee, and Midian shall not be betaken into the hands thereof, lest Israel have glory against me, and say, I am delivered by my strengths. (And the Lord said to Gideon, Too many people be with thee, and the Midianites shall not be delivered into their hands, lest the people of Israel take the glory from me, and say, We were saved by our own strength.)
7:3  Speak thou to the people, and preach thou, while all men hear, (and say,) He that is fearedful, and dreadful, turn again. And (so) they (who were afraid) went away from the hill of Gilead, and (in all) two and twenty thousand of men turned again from the people; and only ten thousand (still) dwelled (there).
7:4  And the Lord said to Gideon, Yet the people is (too) much; lead thou them to the waters, and there I shall prove them, and he (shall) go with thee, of whom I shall say, that he (should) go; and turn he again, whom I shall forbid to go.
7:5  And when the people had gone down to the waters, the Lord said to Gideon, Thou shalt separate them by themselves that lap (up the) waters with hand and tongue, as dogs be wont to lap (it up); and those, that drink with knees bowed, shall be in the tother part.
7:6  And so the number of them, that lapped (up the) waters, by the hand casting (it) to the mouth, was three hundred men; and all the tother multitude drank kneeling.
7:7  And the Lord said to Gideon, In three hundred men, that lapped waters, I shall deliver you, and I shall betake Midian in thine hand; and all the tother multitude turn again into their place. (And the Lord said to Gideon, With the three hundred men who lapped up the water, I shall save you, and I shall deliver the Midianites into thy hands; and all the other multitude should return to their homes.)
7:8  And [so] when they had taken meats and trumps for the number of them, he commanded all the tother multitude to go (back) to their tabernacles; and Gideon, with (those) three hundred men, gave himself to [the] battle. And the tents of Midian were beneath in the valley (And the tents of the Midianites were pitched below him in the valley).
7:9  In the same night the Lord said to him, Rise thou (up), and go down into their tents, for I have betaken them in thine hand (for I have delivered them into thy hands);
7:10  and if thou dreadest to go alone, Phurah, thy servant, go down with thee. (and if thou fearest to go down alone, let thy servant Phurah go down with thee.)
7:11  And when thou shalt hear what they speak, then thine hands shall be strengthened, and thou shalt go down securer to the tents of [the] enemies. Therefore he went down, and Phurah, his servant (And so he, and his servant Phurah, went down), into the part of [the] tents, where the watches of (the) armed men were.
7:12  And Midian, and Amalek, and all the peoples of the east lay spread abroad in the valley, as the multitude of locusts; and the camels were unnumberable, as gravel that lieth in the brink of the sea. (And the Midianites, and the Amalekites, and all the peoples of the east lay spread abroad in the valley, like a multitude of locusts; and their camels were innumerable, like the gravel, or the sand, that lieth at the seashore.)
7:13  And when Gideon had come down, a man told (of) a dream to his neighbour, and he told by this manner that, that he had seen, (saying,) I saw a dream, and it seemed to me, that as a barley loaf, baken under ashes, was wallowed, and it came down into the tents of Midian; and when it had come to a tabernacle, it smote it, and destroyed it, and made it even utterly to the earth. (And when Gideon had come down, a man told his neighbour about a dream that he had, and he told in this manner what he had seen, saying, I had a dream, and it seemed to me, that a barley loaf, baked under ashes, was rolled down into the tents of the Midianites; and when it came to a tent, it struck it, and destroyed it, and made it utterly even to the ground.)
7:14  That man answered, to whom he spake (And that man to whom he spoke, answered), This is none other thing, no but the sword of Gideon, [the] son of Joash, a man of Israel; for the Lord God hath betaken Midian, and all [the] tents thereof, into the hands of Gideon.
7:15  And when Gideon had heard the dream, and the interpreting thereof, he worshipped the Lord, and turned again to the tents of Israel, and said, Rise ye (up); for the Lord hath betaken into our hands the tents of Midian (for the Lord hath delivered the host, or the army, of the Midianites into our hands).
7:16  And he parted the three hundred men into three parts, and he gave them trumps in their hands, and empty pots, and lamps (with lamps), that is, (with) burning brands, either torches, that might not lightly be quenched, in the midst of the pots.
7:17  And he said to them, Do ye this thing which ye see me do; I shall enter into a part of the tents, and follow ye that, that I do.
7:18  When the trump in my hand shall sound, sound ye also all about the tents, and cry ye together, To the Lord, and to Gideon.
7:19  And Gideon entered, and the three hundred men that were with him, into a part of the tents, when the watches of midnight began; and when the keepers were raised, they began to sound with trumps, and to beat together the pots among themselves (and after the guards had changed, they began to sound with the trumpets, and to beat the pots together).
7:20  And when they sounded in three places by compass, and had broken the pots, they held [the] lamps in their left hands, and [the] sounding trumps in their right hands; and they cried, The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon;
7:21  and they stood all in their place, about the tents of their enemies. And so all the tents were troubled; and they cried [out], and yelled, and fled; (and they all stood in their places, about the tents of their enemies. And all the army was troubled, and many of the enemies cried out, and yelled, and fled away;)
7:22  and nevertheless the three hundred men continued, sounding with trumps. And the Lord sent sword in all the tents, and they killed themselves by death each other; and they (who were left) fled till to Bethshittah, (in Zererath), and by the side, from Abelmeholah into Tabbath. (but the three hundred men continued sounding with the trumpets. And the Lord set each man in the camp against his neighbour, and they killed each other with their swords; and those who were left fled to Bethshittah in Zererath, and to Abelmeholah Ridge by Tabbath.)
7:23  And men of Israel cried together, of Naphtali, and of Asher, and of all Manasseh, and they pursued Midian; and the Lord gave victory to the people of Israel in that day. (Then the men of Israel from Naphtali, and Asher, and from both parts of Manasseh, were called out, and they pursued the Midianites; and the Lord gave victory to the people of Israel on that day.)
7:24  And Gideon sent messengers into all the hill (country) of Ephraim, and said, Come ye down against the coming of Midian, and occupy ye the waters till to Bethbarah and (the) Jordan. And all Ephraim cried (And all the men of Ephraim were called out), and before-occupied the waters of the Jordan until Bethbarah.
7:25  And Ephraim killed two chief men of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb; he killed Oreb in the stone of Oreb, and Zeeb in the presser of Zeeb; and Ephraim pursued Midian, and they bare the heads of Oreb and of Zeeb to Gideon, over the floods of Jordan. (And the Ephraimites killed the two chief men of the Midianites, Oreb and Zeeb; they killed Oreb at the stone of Oreb, and Zeeb at the winepress of Zeeb; and they pursued the Midianites, and brought the heads of Oreb and Zeeb to Gideon, on the other side of the Jordan River.)