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1:1  And it was done after the death of Moses, the servant of the Lord, that the Lord spake to Joshua, the son of Nun, the servant of Moses, and said to him,
1:2  Moses, my servant is dead; rise thou, and pass [over] this Jordan, thou, and all the people with thee, into the land which I shall give to the sons of Israel. (My servant Moses is dead; rise thou up, and cross over the Jordan River to the other side, thou, and all the people with thee, into the land which I shall give to the Israelites.)
1:3  I shall give to you each place which the step of your foot shall tread, as I spake to Moses,
1:4  from the desert and Lebanon till to the great flood [of] Euphrates; all the land of Hittites, unto the great sea against the going down of the sun, shall be your term. (from the wilderness and Lebanon unto the great Euphrates River; yea, all the Hittites’ land, unto the Great Sea, that is, the Mediterranean Sea, in the west, shall be your land.)
1:5  None shall be able to against-stand you in all the days of thy life (No one shall be able to stand against you all the days of thy life); as I was with Moses, so I shall be with thee; I shall not leave (thee), neither I shall forsake thee.
1:6  Be thou comforted, and be thou strong; for thou shalt part by lot to this people the land, for which I swore to thy fathers, that I should give it to them. (Be thou encouraged, and be thou strong; for thou shalt divide up by lot the land to this people, which I swore to thy fathers, that I would give them.)
1:7  Therefore be thou comforted, and be thou full strong, that thou keep and do all the law, which Moses, my servant, commanded to thee; bow thou not from it to the right side, either to the left side, that thou understand all things which thou doest. (And so be thou encouraged, and be thou strong, so that thou obey and do all the law, which my servant Moses commanded to thee; turn thou not from it to the right, or to the left, so that thou shalt prosper in all things wherever thou goest.)
1:8  The book of this law depart not from thy mouth, but thou shalt think therein in days and nights, that thou keep and do all things that be written therein; then thou shalt (ad)dress thy way, and thou shalt understand it. (Let not this Book of the Law depart from thy mouth, but think thou on it day and night, so that thou obey and do all the things that be written in it; then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and be successful.)
1:9  Lo! I command to thee; be thou comforted, and be thou strong; do not thou dread, nor be thou afeared; for thy Lord God is with thee in all things, to which thou goest. (Lo! I command thee; be thou encouraged, and be thou strong; do not thou fear, nor be thou afraid; for the Lord thy God is with thee in all things, to which thou goest.)
1:10  And Joshua commanded to the princes of the people, and said, (And Joshua commanded to the leaders of the people, and said,)
1:11  Pass ye through the midst of the castles, and command ye to the people, and say ye, Make ye ready meats to you; for after the third day ye shall pass [over] (the) Jordan, and ye shall enter [in] to wield the land, which your Lord God shall give to you. (Go ye through the midst of the tents, or the camp, and command ye to the people, and say ye, Prepare ye food for yourselves; for in three days ye shall cross over the Jordan River, and ye shall go in to take the land, which the Lord your God shall give you.)
1:12  Also Joshua said to men of Reuben, and to men of Gad, and to the half lineage of Manasseh, (And Joshua said to the men of Reuben, and the men of Gad, and the men of the eastern half of the tribe of Manasseh,)
1:13  Have ye mind of the word which Moses, the servant of the Lord, commanded to you, and said, Your Lord God hath given to you rest, and all the land; (Remember what Moses, the servant of the Lord, commanded to you, saying, The Lord your God hath given rest to you, and hath given you all of this land;)
1:14  your wives, and your sons, and your beasts shall dwell in the land that Moses gave to you beyond (the) Jordan, (that is, on the east side of the river); but pass ye (over) armed, all (the) strong in hand, before your brethren; and fight ye for them,
1:15  till the Lord give rest to your brethren, as he gave also to you, and till also they wield the land which your Lord God shall give to them; and so turn ye again into the land of your possession, and ye shall dwell in that land which Moses, [the] servant of the Lord, gave to you over Jordan, against the rising of the sun. (until the Lord give rest to your kinsmen, as he also gave to you, and until they also take the land which the Lord your God shall give them; and then ye shall return to the land of your possession, and ye shall live in that land which Moses, the servant of the Lord, gave you on this east side of the Jordan River, near to the rising of the sun.)
1:16  And they answered to Joshua, and said, We shall do all things which thou commandest to us, and we shall go, whither ever thou sendest us;
1:17  as we obeyed in all things to Moses, so we shall obey also to thee (so shall we also obey thee); only (may) thy Lord God be with thee, as he was with Moses.
1:18  Die he that against-saith thy word, and obeyeth not to all thy biddings, which thou commandest to him; only be thou comforted, and do thou manly (only be thou encouraged, and be thou strong).