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1:1  This message came from the Lord to Joel, son of Pethuel:
1:2  Listen, you aged men of Israel! Everyone, listen! In all your lifetime, yes, in all your history, have you ever heard of such a thing as I am going to tell you?
1:4  After the cutter-locusts finish eating your crops, the swarmer-locusts will take what’s left! After them will come the hopper-locusts! And then the stripper-locusts too!
1:5  Wake up and weep, you drunkards, for all the grapes are ruined, and all your wine is gone!
1:6  A vast army of locusts covers the land. It is a terrible army too numerous to count, with teeth as sharp as those of lions!
1:7  They have ruined my vines and stripped the bark from the fig trees, leaving trunks and branches white and bare.
1:8  Weep with sorrow, as a virgin weeps whose fiancé is dead.
1:9  Gone are the offerings of grain and wine to bring to the Temple of the Lord; the priests are starving. Hear the crying of these ministers of God.
1:10  The fields are bare of crops. Sorrow and sadness are everywhere. The grain, the grapes, the olive oil are gone.
1:11  Well may you farmers stand so shocked and stricken; well may you vinedressers weep. Weep for the wheat and the barley, too, for they are gone.
1:12  The grapevines are dead; the fig trees are dying; the pomegranates wither; the apples shrivel on the trees; all joy has withered with them.
1:13  O priests, robe yourselves in sackcloth. O ministers of my God, lie all night before the altar, weeping. For there are no more offerings of grain and wine for you.
1:14  Announce a fast; call a solemn meeting. Gather the elders and all the people into the Temple of the Lord your God, and weep before him there.
1:15  Alas, this terrible day of punishment is on the way. Destruction from the Almighty is almost here!
1:16  Our food will disappear before our eyes; all joy and gladness will be ended in the Temple of our God.
1:17  The seed rots in the ground; the barns and granaries are empty; the grain has dried up in the fields.
1:18  The cattle groan with hunger; the herds stand perplexed, for there is no pasture for them; the sheep bleat in misery.
1:19  Lord, help us! For the heat has withered the pastures and burned up all the trees.
1:20  Even the wild animals cry to you for help, for there is no water for them. The creeks are dry, and the pastures are scorched.