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42:1  Job answered the Eternal One.
42:2  Job: I know You can do everything; nothing You do can be foiled or frustrated.
42:3  You asked, “Who is this that conceals counsel with empty words void of knowledge?” And now I see that I spoke of—but did not comprehend— great wonders that are beyond me. I didn’t know.
42:4  You said, “Hear Me now, and I will speak. I’ll be asking the questions, and you will supply the answers.”
42:5  Before I knew only what I had heard of You, but now I have seen You.
42:6  Therefore I realize the truth: I disavow and mourn all I have said and repent in dust and ash.
42:7  After the Eternal had spoken these words to Job, He turned and spoke to Eliphaz from Teman. Eternal One: My anger is burning against you and your two friends because you have not spoken rightly of Me, as My servant Job has.
42:8  So now, gather your friends and bring seven bulls and seven rams. Then go to My servant Job, make a burnt offering for yourselves, and he will pray for you. I will accept his prayer. Despite the fact that you have not spoken rightly of Me, as My servant Job did, I will not deal with you according to your foolish ways.
42:9  So Eliphaz from Teman, Bildad from Shuhah, and Zophar from Naamath went and did as the Eternal commanded, and He accepted Job’s prayer for them.
42:10  The Eternal restored the fortunes of Job after he prayed for his friends; He even doubled the wealth he had before.
42:11  All of his brothers and sisters, along with those he had known earlier, came and shared meals with him at his house. They sympathized with him and consoled him regarding the great distress the Eternal had brought on him. Each guest gave him a sum of money and each, a golden ring.
42:12  The Eternal One blessed the last part of Job’s life even more than the first part. He went on to possess 14,000 sheep, 6,000 camels, 1,000 teams of oxen, and 1,000 female donkeys.
42:13  He also fathered 7 more sons and 3 more daughters.
42:14  He named his first daughter Jemimah, his second Keziah, and his third Keren-happuch.
42:15  Nowhere in all the land could one find women as captivatingly beautiful as Job’s daughters, or as independently wealthy: their father gave them each a share of the family inheritance along with their brothers.
42:16  After all this, Job lived 140 years. He lived to see his children and their children and so on, to the fourth generation.
42:17  Then Job died, old, and satisfied with his days.