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37:1  “At the sound of his thunder, my heart pounds as if it will jump out of my chest.
37:2  Listen! Listen to the thunder of God’s voice and to the rumbling that comes from his mouth.
37:3  He turns his lightning loose under the whole sky and sends it to the farthest parts of the earth.
37:4  After that you can hear the roar when he thunders with a great sound. He does not hold back the flashing when his voice is heard.
37:5  God’s voice thunders in wonderful ways; he does great things we cannot understand.
37:6  He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’ and to the shower, ‘Be a heavy rain.’
37:7  With it, he stops everyone from working so everyone knows it is the work of God.
37:8  The animals take cover from the rain and stay in their dens.
37:9  The storm comes from where it was stored; the cold comes with the strong winds.
37:10  The breath of God makes ice, and the wide waters become frozen.
37:11  He fills the clouds with water and scatters his lightning through them.
37:12  At his command they swirl around over the whole earth, doing whatever he commands.
37:13  He uses the clouds to punish people or to water his earth and show his love.
37:14  “Job, listen to this: Stop and notice God’s miracles.
37:15  Do you know how God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
37:16  Do you know how the clouds hang in the sky? Do you know the miracles of God, who knows everything?
37:17  You suffer in your clothes when the land is silenced by the hot, south wind.
37:18  You cannot stretch out the sky like God and make it look as hard as polished bronze.
37:19  Tell us what we should say to him; we cannot get our arguments ready because we do not have enough understanding.
37:20  Should God be told that I want to speak? Would a person ask to be swallowed up?
37:21  No one can look at the sun when it is bright in the sky after the wind has blown all the clouds away.
37:22  God comes out of the north in golden light, in overwhelming greatness.
37:23  The Almighty is too high for us to reach. He has great strength; he is always right and never punishes unfairly.
37:24  That is why people honor him; he does not respect those who say they are wise.”