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32:1  So these three men stopped trying to answer Iyov, because he remained convinced of his own righteousness.
32:2  But then the anger of Elihu the son of Barakh’el the Buzi, from the family of Ram, blazed up against Iyov for thinking he was right and God wrong.
32:3  His anger also blazed up against his three friends, because they had found no answer to Iyov but condemned him anyway.
32:4  Elihu had waited to speak to Iyov because they were older than he;
32:5  however, when Elihu saw that these three had no answer, his anger flared up.
32:6  Elihu the son of Barakh’el the Buzi said: “I am young, and you are old, so I held back from telling you my opinion.
32:7  I said, ‘Age should speak; an abundance of years should teach wisdom.’
32:8  But it is the spirit in a person, the breath from Shaddai, that gives him understanding —
32:9  it isn’t [only] the great who are wise or the aged who know how to judge.
32:10  Therefore, I say, listen to me; I too will express my opinion.
32:11  “Here, I waited for your words, I listened to your reasoning, as you were searching for what to say.
32:12  I paid attention to you, but none of you convicted Iyov or refuted his arguments.
32:13  So don’t say, ‘We found the wise course — Let God defeat him, not a human being.’
32:14  For he did not direct his words against me, and I won’t answer him with your arguments.
32:15  “They are confused, they don’t reply, words have failed them.
32:16  But must I wait just because they don’t speak, just because they stand there, stuck for an answer?
32:17  No, I will now give my answer; I too will express my opinion.
32:18  For I am full of words; the spirit within me compels me.
32:19  Yes, my insides feel like new wine under pressure, like new wineskins ready to burst.
32:20  I must speak, to find relief; I will open my lips and answer.
32:21  I will show no favor to anyone, and I will flatter no one;
32:22  I don’t know how to flatter; if I did, my maker would soon put an end to me.