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30:1  “But now those younger than I hold me in derision, men whose fathers I wouldn’t even have put with the dogs that guarded my sheep.
30:2  What use to me was the strength in their hands? All their vigor had left them.
30:3  Worn out by want and hunger, they gnaw the dry ground in the gloom of waste and desolation.
30:4  They pluck saltwort and bitter leaves; these, with broom tree roots, are their food.
30:5  They are driven away from society, with men shouting after them as after a thief,
30:6  to live in gullies and vadis, in holes in the ground and caves in the rocks.
30:7  Among the bushes they howl like beasts and huddle among the nettles,
30:8  irresponsible nobodies driven from the land.
30:9  “Now I have become their song; yes, I am a byword with them.
30:10  They loathe me, they stand aloof from me; they don’t hesitate to spit in my face!
30:11  For God has loosened my bowstring and humbled me; they throw off restraint in my presence.
30:12  At my right the street urchins attack, pushing me from place to place, besieging me with their ways of destruction,
30:13  breaking up my path, furthering my calamity — even those who have no one to help them.
30:14  They move in as through a wide gap; amid the ruin they roll on in waves.
30:15  Terrors tumble over me, chasing my honor away like the wind; my [hope of] salvation passes like a cloud.
30:16  “So now my life is ebbing away, days of grief have seized me.
30:17  At night pain pierces me to the bone, so that I never rest.
30:18  My clothes are disfigured by the force [of my disease]; they choke me like the collar of my coat.
30:19  [God] has thrown me into the mud; I have become like dust and ashes.
30:20  “I call out to you [God], but you don’t answer me; I stand up to plead, but you just look at me.
30:21  You have turned cruelly against me; with your powerful hand you keep persecuting me.
30:22  You snatch me up on the wind and make me ride it; you toss me about in the tempest.
30:23  For I know that you will bring me to death, the house assigned to everyone living.
30:24  “Surely [God] wouldn’t strike at a ruin, if in one’s calamity one cried out to him for help.
30:25  Didn’t I weep for those who were in trouble? Didn’t I grieve for the needy?
30:26  Yet when I hoped for good, what came was bad; when I expected light, what came was darkness.
30:27  My insides are in turmoil; they can’t find rest; days of misery confront me.
30:28  I go about in sunless gloom, I rise in the assembly and cry for help.
30:29  I have become a brother to jackals and a companion of ostriches.
30:30  My skin is black and falling off me, and my bones are burning with heat.
30:31  So my lyre is tuned for mourning, my pipe to the voice of those who weep.