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27:1  Iyov continued his speech:
27:2  “I swear by the living God, who is denying me justice, and by Shaddai, who deals with me so bitterly,
27:3  that as long my life remains in me and God’s breath is in my nostrils,
27:4  my lips will not speak unrighteousness, or my tongue utter deceit.
27:5  Far be it from me to say you are right; I will keep my integrity till the day I die.
27:6  I hold to my righteousness; I won’t let it go; my heart will not shame me as long as I live.
27:7  “May my enemy meet the doom of the wicked; my foe the fate of the unrighteous.
27:8  For what hope does the godless have from his gain when God takes away his life?
27:9  Will God hear his cry when trouble comes upon him?
27:10  Will he take delight in Shaddai and always call on God?
27:11  “I am teaching you how God uses his power, not hiding what Shaddai is doing.
27:12  Look, you all can see for yourselves; so why are you talking such empty nonsense?
27:13  “This is God’s reward for the wicked man, the heritage oppressors receive from Shaddai:
27:14  if his sons become many, they go to the sword; and his children never have enough to eat.
27:15  Those of his who remain are buried by plague, and their widows do not weep.
27:16  Even if he piles up silver like dust and stores away clothing [in mounds] like clay —
27:17  he may collect it, but the just will wear it, and the upright divide up the silver.
27:18  He builds his house weak as a spider’s web, as flimsy as a watchman’s shack.
27:19  He may lie down rich, but his wealth yields nothing; when he opens his eyes, it isn’t there.
27:20  Terrors overtake him like a flood; at night a whirlwind steals him away.
27:21  The east wind carries him off, and he’s gone; it sweeps him far from his place.
27:22  Yes, it hurls itself at him, sparing nothing; he does all he can to flee from its power.
27:23  [People] clap their hands at him in derision and hiss him out of his home.