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20:1  Now when the cohen Pash’chur son of Immer, chief official in the house of Adonai, heard Yirmeyahu prophesying these things,
20:2  he had him flogged and put him in the stocks at the Upper Binyamin Gate of the house of Adonai.
20:3  The following morning, when Pash’chur led Yirmeyahu out of the stocks, Yirmeyahu said to him, “Adonai no longer calls you Pash’chur but Magor-Missaviv [terror on every side].
20:4  For this is what Adonai says: ‘I will make you a terror to yourself and to all your friends. They will fall by the sword of their enemies, while you watch. I will hand over all of Y’hudah to the king of Bavel, and he will carry them off captive to Bavel and put them to the sword.
20:5  Moreover, I will hand over everything stored in this city, all its valuables, all its wealth, indeed all the treasures of the kings of Y’hudah, to their enemies, who will plunder them, take them and carry them to Bavel.
20:6  And you, Pash’chur, along with your entire household, will go into captivity; you will go to Bavel, where you will die and be buried — you and all your friends to whom you have prophesied lies.’”
20:7  You fooled me, Adonai; I have been your dupe. You overpowered me, and you have prevailed. All day long I’m a laughingstock; everyone makes fun of me.
20:8  Whenever I speak, I have to cry out; I shout, “Violence!” and “Destruction!” Thus the word of Adonai becomes for me the cause of reproach and derision all day!
20:9  But if I say, “I won’t think about him, I won’t speak in his name any more,” then it seems as though a fire is burning in my heart, imprisoned in my bones; I wear myself out trying to hold it in, but I just can’t do it.
20:10  I have heard many whispering their plot: “‘Terror in every direction’? Denounce him! Let’s denounce him!” Even all my close friends are watching for me to make a false step — “Maybe he can be tricked, then we’ll get the better of him, then we’ll take our revenge on him.”
20:11  But Adonai is with me like a dreaded warrior; so my persecutors will stumble, defeated, greatly ashamed because of their failure; their lasting disgrace will not be forgotten.
20:12  Adonai-Tzva’ot, you who test the righteous and see people’s hearts and thoughts, let me see you take vengeance on them, for I have committed my cause to you.
20:13  Sing to Adonai! Praise Adonai! For he rescues those in need from the clutches of evildoers.
20:14  A curse on the day I was born! The day my mother gave birth to me — let it not be blessed!
20:15  A curse on the man who brought the news to my father, “A son has been born to you!” — thus making him very happy.
20:16  Let that man be like the cities Adonai overthrew without mercy! Let him hear cries of alarm in the morning and the sound of battle at noon,
20:17  because God did not put me to death in the womb and let my mother become my grave, her womb forever filled with me.
20:18  Why did I have to emerge from the womb, just to see toil and sorrow, and end my days in shame?