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7:1  when I am ready to heal Isra’el, the crimes of Efrayim confront me, along with the wickedness of Shomron. For they keep practicing deceit; thieves break in, bands of robbers raid outside.
7:2  They never say to themselves that I remember all their evil. Now their own deeds surround them; they are right in front of me.
7:3  They make the king glad with their wickedness, and the leaders with their lies.
7:4  They are all adulterers, like an oven heated by the baker, who doesn’t stoke the fire from kneading time till the dough has risen.
7:5  “On their king’s special day the leaders inflame him with wine, and he joins hands with scorners,
7:6  who ready themselves like an oven while they wait for their chance. Their baker sleeps through the night; then in the morning it bursts into flame.
7:7  They are all as hot as an oven, and they devour their judges. All their kings have fallen; not one of them calls out to me.
7:8  “Efrayim mixes himself with the peoples, Efrayim has become a half-baked cake.
7:9  Foreigners have eaten up his strength, but he doesn’t know it; yes, gray hairs appear on him here and there, but he doesn’t know it.
7:10  The pride of Isra’el testifies in his face, but in spite of all this they haven’t returned to Adonai their God or sought him.
7:11  Efrayim behaves like a silly, foolish dove — going to Egypt, then to Ashur for help.
7:12  Even as they go, I will spread my net over them; I will bring them down like birds from the sky; I will discipline them, as their assembly was told.
7:13  Woe to them! for they have strayed from me. Destruction to them! for they have wronged me. Am I supposed to redeem them, when they have spoken lies against me?
7:14  They have not cried out to me from their hearts, even though they wail on their beds. They assemble themselves for grain and wine, yet turn away from me.
7:15  It was I who trained and strengthened their arms, yet they plot evil against me.
7:16  They return, but not upward; they are like an unreliable bow. Their leaders will die by the sword because of their angry talk. They will become a laughingstock in the land of Egypt.