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6:1  Come, let us return to Adonai; for he has torn, and he will heal us; he has struck, and he will bind our wounds.
6:2  After two days, he will revive us; on the third day, he will raise us up; and we will live in his presence.
6:3  Let us know, let us strive to know Adonai. That he will come is as certain as morning; he will come to us like the rain, like the spring rains that water the earth.
6:4  “Efrayim, what should I do to you? Y’hudah, what should I do to you? For your ‘faithful love’ is like a morning cloud, like dew that disappears quickly.
6:5  This is why I have cut them to pieces by the prophets, slaughtered them with the words from my mouth — the judgment on you shines out like light.
6:6  For what I desire is mercy, not sacrifices, knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.
6:7  “But they, just like men, have broken the covenant, they have been faithless in dealing with me.
6:8  Gil‘ad is a city of criminals, covered with bloody footprints;
6:9  just as bands of robbers wait to ambush someone, so does a gang of cohanim. They commit murder on the road to Sh’khem! Their conduct is an outrage!
6:10  In the house of Isra’el I have seen a horrible thing; whoring is found there in Efrayim, Isra’el is defiled.
6:11  For you, too, Y’hudah, a harvest will come! “When I restore the fortunes of my people,