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4:1  The man had sexual relations with Havah his wife; she conceived, gave birth to Kayin [acquisition] and said, “I have acquired a man from Adonai.”
4:2  In addition she gave birth to his brother Hevel. Hevel kept sheep, while Kayin worked the soil.
4:3  In the course of time Kayin brought an offering to Adonai from the produce of the soil;
4:4  and Hevel too brought from the firstborn of his sheep, including their fat. Adonai accepted Hevel and his offering
4:5  but did not accept Kayin and his offering. Kayin was very angry, and his face fell.
4:6  Adonai said to Kayin, “Why are you angry? Why so downcast?
4:7  If you are doing what is good, shouldn’t you hold your head high? And if you don’t do what is good, sin is crouching at the door — it wants you, but you can rule over it.”
4:8  Kayin had words with Hevel his brother; then one time, when they were in the field, Kayin turned on Hevel his brother and killed him.
4:9  Adonai said to Kayin, “Where is Hevel your brother?” And he replied, “I don’t know; am I my brother’s guardian?”
4:10  He said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying out to me from the ground!
4:11  Now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood at your hands.
4:12  When you farm the ground it will no longer yield its strength to you. You will be a fugitive, wandering the earth.”
4:13  Kayin said to Adonai, “My punishment is greater than I can bear.
4:14  You are banning me today from the land and from your presence. I will be a fugitive wandering the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.”
4:15  Adonai answered him, “Therefore, whoever kills Kayin will receive vengeance sevenfold,” and Adonai put a sign on Kayin, so that no one who found him would kill him.
4:16  So Kayin left the presence of Adonai and lived in the land of Nod [wandering], east of ‘Eden.
4:17  Kayin had sexual relations with his wife; she conceived and gave birth to Hanokh. Kayin built a city and named the city after his son Hanokh.
4:18  To Hanokh was born ‘Irad. ‘Irad fathered Mechuya’el, Mechuya’el fathered Metusha’el, and Metusha’el fathered Lemekh.
4:19  (S: v) Lemekh took himself two wives; the name of the one was ‘Adah, while the name of the other was Tzilah.
4:20  ‘Adah gave birth to Yaval; he was the ancestor of those who live in tents and have cattle.
4:21  His brother’s name was Yuval; and he was the ancestor of all who play lyre and flute.
4:22  Tzilah gave birth to Tuval-Kayin, who forged all kinds of tools from brass and iron; the sister of Tuval-Kayin was Na‘amah.
4:23  Lemekh said to his wives, “‘Adah and Tzilah, listen to me; wives of Lemekh, hear what I say: I killed a man for wounding me, a young man who injured me.
4:24  If Kayin will be avenged sevenfold, then Lemekh seventy-sevenfold!”
4:25  Adam again had sexual relations with his wife, and she gave birth to a son whom she named Shet [granted], “For God has granted me another seed in place of Hevel, since Kayin killed him.”
4:26  To Shet too was born a son, whom he called Enosh. That is when people began to call on the name of Adonai.