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20:1  Abraham left Hebron and traveled to southern Canaan. He stayed awhile between Kadesh and Shur. Then he moved to Gerar.
20:2  Abraham told people that his wife Sarah was his sister. Abimelech king of Gerar heard this. So he sent some servants to take her.
20:3  But one night God spoke to Abimelech in a dream. God said, “You will die. That woman you took is married.”
20:4  But Abimelech had not slept with Sarah. So he said, “Lord, would you destroy an innocent nation?
20:5  Abraham himself told me, ‘This woman is my sister.’ And she also said, ‘He is my brother.’ I am innocent. I did not know I was doing anything wrong.”
20:6  Then God said to Abimelech in the dream, “Yes, I know that you did not realize what you were doing. So I did not allow you to sin against me. I did not allow you to sleep with her.
20:7  Give Abraham his wife back. He is a prophet. He will pray for you, and you will not die. But if you do not give Sarah back, you will die. And all your family will surely die.”
20:8  So early the next morning, Abimelech called all his officers. He told them everything that had happened in the dream. They were very much afraid.
20:9  Then Abimelech called Abraham to him. Abimelech said, “What have you done to us? What wrong did I do against you? Why did you bring this trouble to my kingdom? You should not have done these things to me.
20:10  What were you thinking that caused you to do this?”
20:11  Then Abraham answered, “I thought no one in this place respected God. I thought someone would kill me to get Sarah.
20:12  And it is true that she is my sister. She is the daughter of my father. But she is not the daughter of my mother.
20:13  God told me to leave my father’s house and wander in many different places. When that happened, I told Sarah, ‘You must do a special favor for me. Everywhere we go tell people I am your brother.’”
20:14  Then Abimelech gave Abraham some sheep, cattle and male and female slaves. Abimelech also gave Sarah, his wife, back to him.
20:15  And Abimelech said, “Look around you at my land. You may live anywhere you want.”
20:16  Abimelech said to Sarah, “I gave your brother Abraham 25 pounds of silver. I did this to make up for any wrong that people may think about you. I want everyone to know that you are innocent.”
20:17  Then Abraham prayed to God. And God healed Abimelech, his wife and his servant girls. Now they could have children.
20:18  The Lord had kept all the women in Abimelech’s house from having children. This was God’s punishment on Abimelech for taking Abraham’s wife Sarah.