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35:1  Again a message came from the Lord. He said:
35:2  “Son of dust, face toward Mount Seir and prophesy against the people saying,
35:3  ‘The Lord God says: I am against you, and I will smash you with my fist and utterly destroy you.
35:4  Because you hate my people Israel, I will demolish your cities and make you desolate, and then you shall know I am the Lord. You butchered my people when they were helpless, when I had punished them for all their sins.
35:5  Because you hate my people Israel, I will demolish your cities and make you desolate, and then you shall know I am the Lord. You butchered my people when they were helpless, when I had punished them for all their sins.
35:6  As I live, the Lord God says, since you enjoy blood so much, I will give you a blood bath—your turn has come!
35:7  I will utterly wipe out the people of Mount Seir, killing off all those who try to escape and all those who return.
35:8  I will fill your mountains with the dead—your hills, your valleys, and your rivers will be filled with those the sword has killed.
35:9  Never again will you revive. You will be abandoned forever; your cities will never be rebuilt. Then you shall know I am the Lord.
35:10  “‘For you said, “Both Israel and Judah shall be mine. We will take possession of them. What do we care that God is there!”
35:11  Therefore as I live, the Lord God says, I will pay back your angry deeds with mine—I will punish you for all your acts of envy and of hate. And I will honor my name in Israel by what I do to you.
35:12  And you shall know that I have heard each evil word you spoke against the Lord, saying, “His people are helpless; they are food for us to eat!”
35:13  Saying that, you boasted great words against the Lord. And I have heard them all!
35:14  “‘The whole world will rejoice when I make you desolate.
35:15  You rejoiced at Israel’s fearful fate. Now I will rejoice at yours! You will be wiped out, O people of Mount Seir and all who live in Edom! And then you will know I am the Lord!’