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37:1  Forsooth Bezaleel made also an ark of the wood of shittim, having two cubits and an half in length, and a cubit and an half in breadth; forsooth the height was of one cubit and an half; (Then Bezaleel made the Ark, that is, the Box for the tablets of the Law, out of shittim wood, or acacia wood, two and a half cubits in length, and one and a half cubits in breadth, and one and a half cubits in height;)
37:2  and he covered the ark with purest gold, within and withoutforth. And he made to it a golden crown by compass (And he put a gold band all around it),
37:3  and he melted out four golden rings, (to be set) by the four corners thereof, two rings in one side, and two rings in the other side. (and he made four rings out of melted gold, to be fastened to its four corners, two rings on one side, and two rings on the other side.)
37:4  And he made (its) bars (out) of the wood of shittim, the which he covered with gold,
37:5  and which bars he put into the rings that were in the sides of the ark, to bear it. (and he put the bars through the rings that were fastened to the sides of the Ark, to carry it.)
37:6  He made also a propitiatory, that is, God’s answering place, of purest gold, of two cubits and an half in length, and one cubit and an half in breadth. (And he made the propitiatory, that is, God’s answering place, or the lid for the Box, out of pure gold, two and a half cubits in length, and one and a half cubits in breadth.)
37:7  Also he made two cherubims (out) of gold, beaten out with an hammer, which he set on ever either side of the propitiatory, (And he made two gold cherubim, beaten out with a hammer, which he put at either end of the propitiatory,)
37:8  one cherub in the height of the one part, and the tother cherub in the height of the tother part; two cherubims, one in each highness of the propitiatory, (one cherub at one end, and the other cherub at the other end; two cherubim, but each joined with the lid to make one piece,)
37:9  stretching out the wings, and covering the propitiatory, and beholding themselves together, and that propitiatory. (stretching out their wings, and covering the propitiatory, and facing each other, but with their faces turned down toward the propitiatory.)
37:10  He made also a board of the wood of shittim, in the length of two cubits, and in the breadth of one cubit, which board had a cubit and an half in height. (And he made a table out of shittim wood, or acacia wood, two cubits in length, and one cubit in breadth, and one and a half cubits in height.)
37:11  And he compassed the table with cleanest gold, and made to it a golden brink by compass; (And he covered the table with pure gold, and put a gold band all around it;)
37:12  and he made to that brink a golden crown, raised betwixt of four fingers; and on the same crown he made another golden crown. (and he made a gold rim four fingers wide around that band, and then another gold band around that rim.)
37:13  Also he melted out four golden rings, which he put into the four corners, by all the feet of the table against the crown, (And he made four rings out of melted gold, which he fastened to the four corners of the table, by each leg, close to the rim,)
37:14  and he put bars into the circles, or rings, that the table might be borne. (and he put bars through the rings, so that the table could be carried.)
37:15  And he made the bars (out) of the wood of shittim, and compassed those with gold (and covered them with gold).
37:16  And he made [the] vessels to diverse uses of the board, vessels of vinegar, vials, and little cups, and censers of pure gold, in which the flowing sacrifices shall be offered. (And he made the vessels for diverse uses on the table, yea, the vessels for vinegar, and the censers, and the little cups, and the basins in which the wine offerings could be made, all made out of pure gold.)
37:17  And he made a candlestick, beaten out with an hammer, of cleanest gold, of whose stock, rods, cups, and little roundels, and lilies came forth; (And he made the lamp-stand out of pure gold, beaten out with a hammer, from whose shaft its rods, and cups, and little balls, and lilies came forth;)
37:18  six in ever either side (six on each side), three rods on (the) one side, and three on the other side;
37:19  three cups in the manner of a nut by each rod, and little roundels together, and lilies; and three cups at the likeness of a nut in the tother rod, and little roundels together, and lilies; forsooth the work of (the) six shafts that came forth of the stock of the candlestick, was even. (with three cups shaped like almonds, and little balls, and a lily together on the first rod; and three cups shaped like almonds, and little balls, and a lily together on the next rod, and so on; all the work of the six rods that came forth from the shaft of the lamp-stand, was the same.)
37:20  Soothly in that stock were four cups, in the manner of a nut, and little roundels and lilies were by all the cups; (And on the shaft were four cups, shaped like almonds, and there were little balls, and lilies, by all the cups;)
37:21  and [the] little roundels were under the two shafts by three places, which (al)together be made six shafts coming forth of one stock; (and a little ball was under each pair of rods, that is, in three places, and altogether there were six rods coming forth from the one shaft;)
37:22  therefore the little roundels, or balls, and the shafts thereof, were all beaten out with hammer, of purest gold. (and so the little balls, and its rods, were all made out of pure gold, beaten out with a hammer.)
37:23  He made also seven lanterns, with their snuffing tongs, and the vessels where the snuffs be quenched, of cleanest gold. (And he made seven lanterns, with their snuffing tongs, and the firepans where those tongs be quenched, out of pure gold.)
37:24  The candlestick with all his vessels weighed a talent of gold. (The lamp-stand, and all its vessels, were made out of one talent of pure gold.)
37:25  He made also the altar of incense, of the wood of shittim, having a cubit by square, that is, on each side one cubit, and two cubits in height, of whose corners came forth horns. (And he made the altar of incense out of shittim wood, one cubit square, that is, one cubit on each side, and two cubits in height, out of whose corners the horns came forth.)
37:26  And he covered it with cleanest gold, and the griddle, and (the) walls, and the horns (thereof); and he made to it a little golden crown by compass, (And he covered it with pure gold, yea, its top, and its walls, and its horns; and he put a gold band all around it,)
37:27  and two golden rings under the crown, by each side, that [the] bars be put into those, and (so) the altar may be borne. (and he made two gold rings to be fastened under the band, on each side of the altar, for bars to be put through, so that the altar could be carried.)
37:28  Forsooth he made those bars (out) of the wood of shittim, and covered them with golden plates.
37:29  He made also oil to the ointment of hallowing, and [the] incense of sweet smelling spiceries, most clean, by the work of (the) apothecary. (And he made the holy oil for anointing, and the pure incense of sweet smelling spices, by the work of an apothecary.)