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29:1  But also thou shalt do this, that they be (made) sacred to me in priesthood; take thou a calf of the drove, and two rams without wem, (And thou shalt do this to consecrate them as my priests; take a calf from the herd, and two rams without blemish, or without fault,)
29:2  and therf loaves, and a cake without sourdough, which be sprinkled (al)together with oil, and therf pastes sodden in water, (and) balmed, either fried, with oil; thou shalt make all these things of pure wheat flour, (and unleavened bread, and cakes made without yeast, which be sprinkled with oil, and unleavened wafers boiled in water, and fried in oil; thou shalt make all these things out of pure wheat flour,)
29:3  and thou shalt offer them put in a basket. Forsooth thou shalt present the calf, and [the] two rams, (and thou shalt put them in a basket, and offer them with the calf, and the two rams.)
29:4  and Aaron and his sons, at the door of the tabernacle of witnessing; and when thou hast washed the father and his sons in water, (And thou shalt bring Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the Tabernacle of the Witnessing; and when thou hast washed the father and his sons with water,)
29:5  thou shalt clothe Aaron with his clothes, that is, the linen cloth, and coat, and the cloak on the shoulders, and the rational, which thou shalt bind with a girdle. (thou shalt clothe Aaron with his clothes, that is, the linen shirt, or tunic, and the robe, and the ephod, and the breast-piece, which thou shalt tie up with the sash.)
29:6  And thou shalt set the mitre on his head, and the holy plate on the mitre, (And thou shalt put the turban on his head, and the holy plate of consecration on the turban,)
29:7  and thou shalt shed the oil of anointing on his head; and by this custom he shall be (made) sacred. (and thou shalt pour the anointing oil on his head; and by this rite he shall be consecrated.)
29:8  Also thou shalt present his sons, and thou shalt clothe them with linen clothes, (And then thou shalt present his sons, and thou shalt clothe them with linen shirts, or tunics,)
29:9  and thou shalt gird Aaron and (each of) his sons with a girdle; and thou shalt set mitres on them; and they shall be my priests by everlasting religion. [And] After that thou hast hallowed their hands, (and as with Aaron, thou shalt gird each of his sons with a sash; and thou shalt put the peaked caps on them; and they shall serve as my priests by an everlasting law. And after that thou hast consecrated them,)
29:10  also thou shalt present the calf before the tabernacle of (the) witnessing; and Aaron and his sons shall put their hands upon the calf’s head;
29:11  and thou shalt slay it in the sight of the Lord, beside the door of the tabernacle of witnessing. (and thou shalt kill it before the Lord, at the entrance to the Tabernacle of the Witnessing.)
29:12  And thou shalt take the blood of the calf, and thou shalt put it with thy finger upon the corners of the altar. Forsooth thou shalt shed the other blood that is left beside the foundament of the altar (And thou shalt pour out the rest of the blood at the foundation, or at the base, of the altar).
29:13  And thou shalt take all the fatness that covereth the entrails, and the caul of the maw, and the two kidneys, and the fatness that is on them; and thou shalt offer them (as) incense upon the altar.
29:14  Forsooth thou shalt burn without(forth) (of) the tents the flesh of the calf, and the skin, and the dung, for it is slain for sin. (But the calf’s flesh, and its skin, and its dung, thou shalt burn away from the tents, for it is a sin offering.)
29:15  Also thou shalt take one (of the) ram(s), on whose head Aaron and his sons shall set (their) hands;
29:16  and when thou hast slain that ram, thou shalt take (all) of his blood, and shalt shed it about the altar (and thou shalt throw it against the sides of the altar).
29:17  Forsooth thou shalt cut that ram into small gobbets, and thou shalt put his entrails washed, and his feet, upon his flesh carved, and upon his head; (And then thou shalt cut that ram into small pieces, and thou shalt wash its entrails, and its feet, and put them on its carved flesh, and on its head;)
29:18  and thou shalt offer thus all the ram into incense on the altar; it is an offering to the Lord, the sweetest odour of the slain sacrifice of the Lord. (and so thou shalt offer all the ram as incense upon the altar; it is an offering to the Lord, the sweetest aroma of the slain sacrifice to the Lord.)
29:19  And thou shalt take the tother ram, on whose head Aaron and his sons shall set their hands;
29:20  and when thou hast offered that ram, thou shalt take (some) of his blood, and thou shalt put it upon the last part of the right ear of Aaron, and of his sons, and upon the thumbs of their (right) hand, and (the big toes) of their right foot; and thou shalt shed the blood on the altar by compass (and thou shalt throw the rest of the blood against the sides of the altar).
29:21  And when thou hast taken (some) of the blood, that is on the altar, and (some) of the oil of anointing, thou shalt sprinkle Aaron and his clothes, [and] his sons and their clothes. And when they and their clothes be (made) sacred (And when they and their clothes be consecrated),
29:22  thou shalt take the inner fatness of the ram, and the tail, and the fatness that covereth the entrails, and the caul of the maw, and the two kidneys, and the fatness that is on them; and thou shalt take the right shoulder, for it is the ram of consecration;
29:23  and thou shalt take a tender cake of one loaf, sprinkled with oil, (and the) paste (that is) sodden in water, and after(ward) fried in oil, (out) of the pannier of therf loaves, which is set in the sight of the Lord. (and thou shalt take one loaf of bread, and one cake of bread sprinkled with oil, and one wafer boiled in water, and then fried in oil, from the basket of unleavened bread, which is put before the Lord.)
29:24  And thou shalt put all these things upon the hands of Aaron (And thou shalt put all these things into the hands of Aaron), and (those) of his sons, and thou shalt hallow them, and raise them [up] (as a special gift) before the Lord.
29:25  And thou shalt take all these things from their hands, and thou shalt burn them on the altar, into burnt sacrifice, (for) [the] sweetest odour in the sight of the Lord, for it is the offering of the Lord. (And then thou shalt take all these things out of their hands, and thou shalt burn them upon the altar, for a burnt sacrifice, to make the sweetest aroma before the Lord, for it is an offering to the Lord.)
29:26  Also thou shalt take the breast of the ram, by which Aaron was hallowed, and thou shalt hallow it, raised [up] before the Lord; and it shall turn into thy part. (And thou shalt take the ram’s breast, with which Aaron was consecrated, and thou shalt hallow it, and raise it up before the Lord; and it shall be thy portion.)
29:27  And thou shalt hallow also the breast (made) sacred, and the shoulder which thou separatedest from the ram, by which Aaron was hallowed, and his sons; (And thou shalt also hallow the consecrated breast, and the shoulder which thou separatedest from the ram, with which Aaron and his sons were consecrated;)
29:28  and they shall turn into the part of Aaron, and of his sons, by everlasting right, of the sons of Israel; for they be the first things, and the beginning/s of the peaceable sacrifices of them, which they offer to the Lord. (and they shall belong to Aaron, and to his sons, by an everlasting law, as a gift from the Israelites; for they be the first things, and the beginnings of their peace offerings, which they offer to the Lord.)
29:29  Forsooth the sons of Aaron shall have after him the holy cloth(es), which Aaron shall use, that they be anointed therein, and that their hands be (made) sacred. (And the holy clothes which Aaron shall wear, shall belong to his sons after him, and they shall be anointed, and consecrated, in them.)
29:30  That of his sons, that shall be made bishop for him, shall use that cloak (for) seven days, and which son shall enter into the tabernacle of witnessing, that he minister in the saintuary. (He of his sons, who shall be made the High Priest after him, and shall enter into the Tabernacle of the Witnessing to minister in the sanctuary, shall wear those clothes for seven days.)
29:31  And soothly thou shalt take the wether of hallowing, that is, the ram of consecration, and thou shalt seethe his flesh in the holy place,
29:32  which flesh Aaron and his sons shall eat, and they shall eat the loaves, that be in the basket, in the porch of the tabernacle of witnessing, (and Aaron and his sons shall eat the ram’s flesh, and the loaves that be in the basket, at the entrance to the Tabernacle of the Witnessing.)
29:33  that it be a pleasing sacrifice, and that the hands of the offerers be hallowed. An alien shall not eat of these things, for they be holy. (They shall eat those things that be offered when they be consecrated. But a stranger, that is, any unqualified person, shall not eat any of these things, for they be holy.)
29:34  That if anything leaveth of the flesh hallowed, either of the loaves, till to the morrowtide (And if anything is left of the consecrated flesh, or of the loaves, until the morning), thou shalt burn the remnants with fire; they shall not be eaten, for they be hallowed.
29:35  Thou shalt do on Aaron, and on his sons, all things which I commanded to thee. Seven days thou shalt (make) sacred their hands, (Thou shalt do unto Aaron, and unto his sons, all the things which I have commanded to thee. For seven days thou shalt consecrate them.)
29:36  and thou shalt offer a calf for sin by each day (for) to cleanse; and thou shalt cleanse the altar, when thou hast offered the sacrifice of cleansing, and thou shalt anoint the altar into [the] hallowing (of it). (And each day thou shalt offer a calf as a sin offering for cleansing; and so thou shalt cleanse the altar, when thou hast offered the sacrifice of cleansing, and then thou shalt anoint the altar with oil to consecrate it.)
29:37  Seven days thou shalt cleanse and hallow the altar, and it shall be the holy of holy things; each man that shall touch it shall be hallowed. (For seven days thou shalt cleanse and consecrate the altar, and it shall be most holy; anyone who is unclean who toucheth it, shall be harmed.)
29:38  This it is, that thou shalt do in the altar; two lambs of one year continually by each day, (This is what thou shalt offer on the altar; two lambs, one year old, each and every day,)
29:39  one lamb in the morrowtide, and the tother in the eventide;
29:40  thou shalt do in one lamb the tenth part of flour sprinkled with oil, pounded, that shall have a measure, the fourth part of hin, that is, of two pounds, and wine of the same measure, to make (the flowing) sacrifice. (thou shalt offer with the first lamb the tenth part of flour sprinkled with oil from pounded olives, that hath a measure of the fourth part of a hin, that is, of two pounds, and the same amount of wine, to make the wine offering.)
29:41  Soothly thou shalt offer the tother lamb at eventide, by the custom of the offering of the morrowtide, and by those things, which we said, into the odour of sweetness; (And thou shalt offer the other lamb in the evening, by the same rite as the morning offering, and with those things, which we said, to make the sweetest aroma;)
29:42  it is a sacrifice to the Lord by everlasting offering into your generations, at the door of the tabernacle of witnessing before the Lord, where I shall ordain that I speak to thee; (it is a sacrifice to the Lord, yea, an offering that shall be made by all your generations to come, at the entrance to the Tabernacle of the Witnessing before the Lord, where I have ordained that I shall speak to thee;)
29:43  and there I shall command to the sons of Israel; and the altar shall be hallowed in my glory. (and I shall meet with the Israelites there; and the place shall be hallowed, or made holy, by my glory.)
29:44  And I shall hallow also the tabernacle of witnessing with the altar, and Aaron and his sons, that they be set in priesthood to me. (And I shall hallow the Tabernacle of the Witnessing, and the altar, and also Aaron and his sons, so that they can serve as my priests.)
29:45  And I shall dwell in the midst of the sons of Israel, and I shall be God to them; (And I shall dwell in the midst of the Israelites, and I shall be their God;)
29:46  and they shall know, that I am their Lord God, which led them out of the land of Egypt, that I should dwell among them; for I am their Lord God. (and they shall know, that I am the Lord their God, who led them out of the land of Egypt, so that I could live among them; for I am the Lord their God.)