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16:1  Keep thou the month of new fruits, and of the beginning of summer, that thou make pask to thy Lord God; for in this month thy Lord God led thee out of Egypt in the night. (Observe thou the month of Abib, at the beginning of summer, and keep thou the Passover to the Lord thy God; for in this month the Lord thy God led thee out of Egypt in the night.)
16:2  And thou shalt offer pask to thy Lord God, of sheep, and of oxen, in the place which thy Lord God choose, that his name dwell there. (And thou shalt offer the Passover to the Lord thy God, yea, a sheep, or an ox, in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose, that his name shall be there.)
16:3  Thou shalt not eat therein bread dighted with sourdough; in seven days thou shalt eat bread of affliction, (that is) without sourdough, for suddenly, either hastily, thou wentest out of Egypt, that thou have mind of the day of thy going out of Egypt, in all the days of thy life. (Thou shalt not eat it with any bread made with yeast; yea, for seven days thou shalt eat the bread of affliction, that is, bread made without yeast, for suddenly, or hastily, thou wentest out of Egypt, so that thou shalt remember the day of thy going out of Egypt, all the days of thy life.)
16:4  Nothing dighted with sourdough shall appear in all thy coasts by seven days, and of the flesh of that that is offered in the eventide, (that is, of the lamb of the pask,) shall not dwell in the first day in the morrowtide. (Nothing made with yeast shall appear in all thy land for seven days, and none of the flesh of what is offered in the evening, that is, of the Passover lamb, shall remain past the first day, into the next morning.)
16:5  Thou shalt not be able to offer pask in each of thy cities which thy Lord God shall give to thee, (Thou shalt not offer the Passover in all the cities which the Lord thy God shall give thee,)
16:6  but in the place which thy Lord God choose, that his name dwell there; thou shalt offer pask in the eventide, at the going down of the sun, when thou wentest out of Egypt. (but only in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose, that his name shall be there; thou shalt offer the Passover there in the evening, at the going down of the sun, the time when thou wentest out of Egypt.)
16:7  And thou shalt seethe (thy offering), and eat (it), in the place which thy Lord God hath chosen, and thou shalt rise in the morrowtide of the second day, and thou shalt go into thy tabernacles (and then thou shalt return to thy tents).
16:8  Six days thou shalt eat therf bread; and in the seventh day, for it is the gathering of thy Lord God, thou shalt not do work. (Six days thou shalt eat unleavened bread; and on the seventh day, there shall be a holy gathering to the Lord thy God, and thou shalt not do any work on it.)
16:9  Thou shalt number to thee seven weeks, from that day in which thou settedest a sickle into the corn; (Thou shalt count seven weeks, from that day on which thou puttest the sickle to the corn;)
16:10  and thou shalt hallow the feast day(s) of weeks to thy Lord God, a willful offering of thine hand, which thou shalt offer by the blessing of thy Lord God. (and then thou shalt keep the Feast of Weeks, or the Harvest Festival, to the Lord thy God, and thou shalt offer a freewill offering, in proportion to the blessing given thee by the Lord thy God.)
16:11  And thou shalt eat before thy Lord God, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy servant, and thine handmaid, and the deacon that is within thy gates, and the comeling, and the fatherless, either motherless child, and the widow, that dwell with you, in the place which thy Lord God choose, that his name dwell there. (And thou shalt eat before the Lord thy God, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy slave, and thy slave-girl, and the Levite who is within thy gates, and the newcomer, and the fatherless or the motherless child, and the widow, yea, all who live with you, in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose, that his name is there.)
16:12  And thou shalt have mind for thou were (a) servant in Egypt, and thou shalt keep and do those things that be commanded. (And thou shalt remember that thou were slaves in Egypt, and thou shalt obey and do those things that be commanded.)
16:13  And thou shalt hallow the solemnity of tabernacles by seven days, when thou hast gathered thy fruits of thy cornfloor, and of the presser. (And thou shalt keep the Feast of Tabernacles, or the Festival of Booths, or of Shelters, for seven days, when thou hast gathered in the produce from thy threshing floor, and from thy winepress.)
16:14  And thou shalt eat in thy feast, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and thine handmaid, also the deacon, and the comeling, and the fatherless, either motherless child, and the widow, that be within thy gates. (And thou shalt be glad at thy feast, or thy festival, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy slave, and thy slave-girl, and the Levite, and the newcomer, and the fatherless or the motherless child, and the widow, yea, all who be within thy gates.)
16:15  By seven days thou shalt hallow feasts to thy Lord God, in the place which the Lord choose; and thy Lord God shall bless thee, in all thy fruits, and in all the work of thine hands, and thou shalt be in gladness. (For seven days thou shalt keep this feast to the Lord thy God, in the place which the Lord shall choose; and the Lord thy God shall bless thee, with all thy fruits, and with all the work of thine hands, and thou shalt be glad, or be happy.)
16:16  In three times by the year all thy male kind shall appear in the sight of thy Lord, in the place which he choose, in the solemnity of therf loaves, and in the solemnity of weeks, and in the solemnity of tabernacles. A man shall not appear void before the Lord; (Three times a year all thy males shall appear before the Lord thy God, in the place which he shall choose, at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and at the Feast of Weeks, and at the Feast of Tabernacles. A man shall not appear empty-handed before the Lord;)
16:17  but each man shall offer after that that he hath, by the blessing of his Lord God, that he gave to him. (but each man shall offer what he hath, in proportion to the blessing which the Lord his God hath given him.)
16:18  Thou shalt ordain judges, and exactors, in all thy gates which thy Lord God shall give to thee, by each of thy lineages, that they deem the people by just doom, (Thou shalt ordain judges, and exactors, in all thy gates which the Lord thy God shall give thee, in each of thy tribes, and they shall judge the people with fair judgements,)
16:19  and bow they not into the other part for favour, either gift. Thou shalt not take a person, neither gifts, for why gifts blind the eyes of wise men, and change the words of just men (Thou shalt not show favour to anyone, nor take a bribe, or a gift, for bribes blind the eyes of the wise, and change the words of the just).
16:20  Thou shalt pursue justly that that is just, that thou live, and wield the land which thy Lord God shall give to thee. (Thou shalt only pursue what is right, or just, so that thou can live, and possess the land which the Lord thy God shall give thee.)
16:21  Thou shalt not plant a wood, and each tree (or any tree), by the altar of thy Lord God; (Thou shalt not plant a sacred grove, or put up a pole, beside the altar of the Lord thy God;)
16:22  neither thou shalt make to thee, and ordain an image; which things thy Lord God hateth. (nor shalt thou set up a sacred pillar, or an idol, for thee to worship; the Lord thy God hateth all these things.)