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10:1  In that time the Lord said to me, Hew thou two tables of stone to thee, as the former were; and go thou up to me into the hill. And thou shalt (also) make an ark, either a coffer, of wood, (And at that time the Lord said to me, Cut thou two stone tablets, like the first ones; and then come thou up to me on the mountain. And thou shalt also make an Ark, or a Box, out of wood,)
10:2  and I shall write in the tables, the words that were in these tables which thou brakest before; and thou shalt put those tables into the ark. (and I shall write on these tablets the words that were on the first tablets which thou hast broken; and thou shalt put these tablets into the Ark, or the Box.)
10:3  Therefore I made an ark of the wood of shittim, and when I had hewn the two tables of stone, at the likeness of the former tables, I went up into the hill, and I had the tables in mine hands. (And so I made the Ark out of shittim wood, or acacia wood, and when I had cut the two stone tablets, like the first tablets, I went up the mountain, with the tablets in my hands.)
10:4  And he wrote in the tables, by that that he had written before, the ten words, which the Lord spake to you in the hill, from the midst of the fire, when the people was gathered, and the Lord gave the tables to me. (And he wrote on the tablets, what he had written before, the Ten Words, that is, the Ten Commandments, which the Lord spoke to you on the mountain, from the midst of the fire, when the people was gathered there, and then the Lord gave those tablets to me.)
10:5  And I turned again from the hill, and came down, and I put the tables into the ark that I had made, which tables be there hitherto, as the Lord commanded to me. (And I turned, and came down from the mountain, and I put the tablets into the Ark that I had made, as the Lord commanded to me, and they still be there to this day.)
10:6  And the sons of Israel moved their tents from Beeroth of the sons of Jaakan into Mosera, where Aaron was dead, and buried, (and) for whom his son Eleazar was set in priesthood. (And the Israelites moved their tents from Beeroth of the sons of Jaakan to Mosera, where Aaron died, and was buried, and his son Eleazar took his place in the priesthood.)
10:7  From thence they came into Gudgodah; from which place they went forth, and setted tents in Jotbathah, in the land of waters and of strands. (And from Mosera, they came to Gudgodah; and from Gudgodah they went forth, and pitched their tents at Jotbathah, a land of many rivers.)
10:8  In that time I separated the lineage of Levi, that it should bear the ark of the bond of peace of the Lord, and it should stand before him in service, and should bless in his name, into this present day. (At that time the Lord set apart the tribe of Levi to carry the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord, and to stand before him in service, that is, to minister to him, and to bless in his name, which they continue to do unto this present day.)
10:9  For which thing Levi had no part, neither possession with his brethren, for the Lord himself is his possession, as thy Lord God promised to him. (That is why the Levites have no part, nor possession, with their brothers, for the Lord himself is their possession, as the Lord thy God promised them.)
10:10  And I stood in the hill as I did before, forty days and forty nights, and the Lord heard me also in this time, and he would not lose thee. (And I stayed on the mountain like I did before, for forty days and forty nights, and once again the Lord listened to me, and he consented not to destroy thee.)
10:11  And he said to me, Go thou, and go before this people, that it enter, and wield the land which I swore to their fathers, that I should give to them. (And he said to me, Go thou, and lead this people, so that they enter now, and take the land which I swore to their fathers, that I would give them.)
10:12  And now, Israel, what asketh thy Lord God of thee, but that thou dread thy Lord, and go in his ways, and that thou love him, and serve thy Lord God in all thine heart, and in all thy soul (and that thou love him, and serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul);
10:13  and that thou keep the commandments of thy Lord God, and the ceremonies of him, which I command to thee today, that it be well to thee. (and that thou obey the commandments of the Lord thy God, and his statutes, which I command to thee today, so that it be well with thee.)
10:14  Lo! heaven is of thy Lord God, and heaven of heaven; the earth and all things that be therein be his; (Lo! all of heaven is the Lord thy God’s, yea, the Heaven of Heavens, that is, the Highest Heaven; and the earth, and all the things that be in it, also be his;)
10:15  and nevertheless the Lord was joined (by fervent affection) to thy fathers, and he loved them, and he chose their seed after them, and you of all folks, as it is proved today. (yet nevertheless the Lord was joined by fervent affection to thy fathers, and he loved them, and he chose their descendants after them, that is, you, out of all the nations, as ye be this day.)
10:16  Therefore circumcise ye the prepuce, that is, the uncleanness, of your heart, and no more make ye hard your noll (and no more be ye stubborn, or stiff-necked).
10:17  For your Lord God himself is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, and mighty, and fearful, which taketh not a person, neither gifts, but justly he deemeth rich and poor. (For the Lord your God himself is God of gods, and Lord of lords, the great God, and mighty, and fearful, who respecteth not a person’s rank, or status, nor accepteth any gift, or bribe, but justly judgeth the rich and the poor.)
10:18  He maketh doom to the fatherless, and motherless, and to the widow; he loveth a pilgrim, and giveth to him lifelode and clothing. (He getteth justice for the fatherless or the motherless child, and the widow; he loveth the foreigner, or the stranger, and giveth him sustenance and clothing.)
10:19  And therefore love ye pilgrims, for also ye were comelings in the land of Egypt. (And so love ye foreigners, or strangers, for ye were also newcomers in the land of Egypt.)
10:20  Thou shalt dread thy Lord God, and thou shalt serve him alone, and thou shalt cleave to him, and thou shalt swear in his name. (Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God/Thou shalt revere the Lord thy God, and thou shalt serve him alone, and thou shalt cleave to him, and thou shalt swear by his name.)
10:21  He is thy praising, and thy God, that made to thee these great works, and fearful, which thine eyes have seen. (He is thy praise, and thy God, who did for thee these great and fearful things, which thine eyes have seen.)
10:22  In seventy men thy fathers went down into Egypt, and lo! now thy Lord God hath multiplied thee as the stars of heaven. (For only seventy men of thy fathers went down to Egypt, but lo! now the Lord thy God hath made thee as innumerable as the stars in the heavens.)