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3:1  Warn the people to submit themselves to rule and authority, to obey the officials, to be ready for all good works,
3:2  to speak evil of no one, and not to be fighters, but soft, showing all gentleness to all people.
3:3  For we ourselves also were in times past unwise: disobedient, deceived; captive to desires, lusts, and diverse kinds of sensuality; living in maliciousness and envy, full of hate, hating one another.
3:4  But after the kindness and love of our Saviour God toward man appeared,
3:5  he saved us – not for the deeds of righteousness that we have done, but of his mercy, by the fountain of the new birth, and with the renewing of the Holy Spirit,
3:6  which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour,
3:7  so that we, once justified by his grace, should be heirs of eternal life through hope.
3:8  This is a true saying. These things I want you to affirm constantly, so that those who believe God may be diligent to go forward in good works. These things are good and profitable to people.
3:9  Foolish questions and genealogies, and brawling and strife about the law, avoid. For they are unprofitable and superfluous.
3:10  A person who is given to heresy, after the first and the second admonition, avoid,
3:11  remembering that such a one has been perverted, and sins, even condemned by his own judgment.
3:12  When I send Artemas to you, or Tychicus, try your best to come to me to Nicopolis. For I have determined to winter there.
3:13  Set Zenas the lawyer and Apollos well on their journey, so that nothing is lacking to them.
3:14  And let our people also learn to excel in good works, as much as need requires, so that they are not unfruitful.
3:15  Everyone who is with me sends greetings to you. Greet those who love us in the faith. Grace be with you all. Amen. Written from Nicopolis, a city of Macedonia.