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5:1  [L Therefore,] Since we have been ·made right with God [declared righteous; justified] by our faith, we have peace with God. This happened through our Lord Jesus Christ,
5:2  ·who through our faith has brought us into that blessing of [L through whom we have access by faith to] God’s grace ·that we now enjoy [L in which we stand/live]. And we ·are happy [rejoice; boast] because of the hope we have ·of sharing [or of experiencing; L of] God’s glory.
5:3  [L Not only this, but] We also ·have joy [rejoice; boast] ·with our troubles [through suffering/trials/persecution], because we know that ·these troubles [suffering; trials; persecution] produce ·patience [endurance].
5:4  And ·patience [endurance] produces [tested and proven] character, and [tested and proven] character produces hope.
5:5  And this hope will never ·disappoint us [let us down; or put us to shame; dishonor us; C honor and shame were among the most important values in first century culture], because God has ·poured out his love to fill our hearts [or flooded our hearts with his love]. He gave us his love through the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to us.
5:6  [L For] When we were ·unable to help ourselves [L still helpless/weak], at the ·right [or appointed] time, Christ died for ·us sinners [L the ungodly/wicked].
5:7  ·Very few people will [or Rarely/Scarcely will anyone] die for a ·righteous [just; pious] person. Although perhaps for a ·good [truly good; noble] person someone might possibly die [C the “righteous” person may be someone who is outwardly religious, while the “good” person is genuinely generous and loving].
5:8  But God ·shows [demonstrates; proves] his ·great [L own] love for us in this way: Christ died for us while we were still sinners.
5:9  And since we have now been ·made right with God [declared righteous; justified] by ·the blood of Christ’s death [L his blood], ·we will surely also [L how much more shall we…!] be saved through Christ from ·God’s anger [final punishment; L the wrath].
5:10  [L For if] While we were God’s enemies, ·he made us his friends [L we were reconciled to God] through the death of his Son. ·Surely [L How much more…?], ·now that we are his friends [L having been reconciled], he will save us through his Son’s life.
5:11  And not only that, but now we ·are also very happy [also rejoice/boast] in God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we ·are now God’s friends again [have now received reconciliation].
5:12  [L Therefore, just as] Sin came into the world ·because of what one man did [L through one man], and with sin came death. ·This is why [L …and so; or and in this way] ·everyone must die [death spread/passed to all people]—because everyone sinned.
5:13  Sin was in the world before ·the law of Moses [L the law], but sin is not ·counted against us as breaking a command [charged to one’s account; recorded as sin] when there is no law [4:15].
5:14  But from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, ·everyone had to die [L death reigned/ruled], even those who had not sinned ·by breaking a command, as Adam had [L in the likeness of Adam’s disobedience/transgression]. Adam was ·like [a type/pattern/prefigurement of] the One who was coming in the future.
5:15  But ·God’s free gift [L the gift] is not like Adam’s ·sin [violation; transgression]. [L For if] Many people died because of the ·sin [violation; transgression] of that one man. ·But the grace from God was much greater, since many people received God’s gift of life [L …how much more did God’s grace and gift abound/multiply to the many] by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ [C the death of the “one” saved the “many”; see v. 19; Is. 53:11].
5:16  But the gift of God is different from ·Adam’s [L the one man’s] sin. After Adam sinned once, ·he was judged guilty [L his judgment brought condemnation]. [L But] God’s free gift came after many ·sins [violations; transgressions], and it ·makes people right with God [L brought justification].
5:17  [L For if] One man’s ·sin [violation; transgression] caused death to ·rule over all people [L reign; rule] because of that one man. How much more, then, will those people who ·accept [receive] ·God’s full grace [L the abundance of grace] and the great gift of ·being made right with him [righteousness] ·have true life and rule [or rule in the future life; L reign/rule in life] through the one man, Jesus Christ. [C Just as death “ruled” in Adam, so believers “rule” over death through Christ.]
5:18  So as one ·sin of Adam [L violation; trangression] brought ·the punishment of death [condemnation] to all people, so too one ·good act that Christ did [L righteous act/deed] ·makes all people right with God, bringing them true life [L brings justification of life to all people].
5:19  [L For just as…] One man disobeyed God, and many became sinners. ·In the same way, [L …so also] one man obeyed God, and many will be made ·right [righteous].
5:20  The law came ·to make sin worse [or to reveal the true extent of sin; L to increase the violation/transgression]. But when sin ·grew worse [increased; multiplied], God’s grace ·increased [multiplied/abounded all the more].
5:21  ·Sin once used death to rule us [L Just as sin reigned in death…], ·but God gave people more of his grace so that grace could rule [L …so grace will reign] ·by making people right with him [through justification/righteousness]. And this brings ·life forever [eternal life] through Jesus Christ our Lord.