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2:1  [L Therefore] If you think you can judge others, [L O man,] you are ·wrong [L without excuse]. [L For] When you judge them, you are really judging yourself guilty, because you [L who are judging] do the same things they do.
2:2  God judges those who do ·wrong [L such] things, and we know that his judging is ·right [just; justified; L based on truth].
2:3  You judge those who do ·wrong [L such things], but you do ·wrong [L the same things] yourselves. Do you think [L O man,] you will be able to escape the judgment of God?
2:4  You [L Do you…?] ·think nothing of [despise; have contempt for; disregard] his kindness, ·tolerance [forbearance] and patience. Perhaps you do not understand that God is kind to you so you will ·change your hearts and lives [repent].
2:5  But because you are stubborn and ·refuse to change [L have an unrepentant heart], you are ·making your own punishment even greater [L storing up wrath for yourself] on the day ·he shows his anger [of (God’s) wrath]. ·On that day everyone will see [L …and the day of the revelation of] God’s ·right [righteous; just] judgments.
2:6  God will ·reward or punish [give back to; repay] every person for what that person has done.
2:7  Some people, by ·always continuing [persevering] to do good, ·live for [seek after; aim for] ·God’s glory [L glory], for honor, and for ·life that has no end [immortality]. God will give them ·life forever [eternal life].
2:8  But other people are ·selfish [self-seeking], ·refusing to follow [disobeying; or disbelieving] truth and instead ·following [obeying; or believing] evil. God will give them his ·punishment [wrath] and anger.
2:9  ·He will give [or There will be] ·trouble [affliction; tribulation] and ·suffering [distress] to everyone who does evil—to the Jews first and also to ·those who are not Jews [L the Greek; C here meaning all Gentiles; see 1:13, 14, 16].
2:10  But ·he will give [or there will be] glory, honor, and peace to everyone who does good—to the Jews first and also to ·those who are not Jews [L the Greek; v. 9].
2:11  For ·God judges all people in the same way [L there is no partiality with God].
2:12  ·People [or For all those] who do not have the law [C Gentiles without the written law of Moses] and who are sinners will ·be lost [perish], although they do not have the law. And, in the same way, those who have the law [C Jews who have the law of Moses] and are sinners will be judged by the law.
2:13  Hearing the law does not make people ·right with [righteous/justified before] God. It is those who obey the law who will be ·right with [justified/declared righteous before] him.
2:14  (·Those who are not Jews [Gentiles] do not have the law, but when they ·freely [by nature; instinctively] do what the law commands, they ·are the law for themselves [or reveal their awareness of God’s law]. This is true even though they do not have the law [C the written law of Moses].
2:15  They show that ·in their hearts they know what is right and wrong, just as the law commands [L the requirements of the law are written on their hearts]. And they show this by their consciences [L bearing witness]. Sometimes their thoughts ·tell them they did wrong [L accuse them], and sometimes their thoughts ·tell them they did right [defend them].)
2:16  ·All these things [or This] will happen on the day when, according to ·my Gospel [the Good News I preach], God, through Christ Jesus, will judge people’s secret thoughts.
2:17  What about you? You call yourself a Jew. You ·trust in [rely on] the ·law of Moses [L law] and ·brag that you are close to God [L boast in God].
2:18  You know ·what he wants you to do [his will] and ·what is important [can discern/test what is best/superior], because you have ·learned [been instructed in] the law.
2:19  You ·think [are convinced/confident that] you are a guide for the blind and a light for those who are in darkness.
2:20  You think you ·can show foolish people what is right [L are an instructor to the foolish] and ·teach [L a teacher for] ·those who know nothing [the immature/ignorant; or children/infants]. You have the law; so you think you ·know everything and have all truth [L have the embodiment/formulation of knowledge and truth].
2:21  You teach others, so why don’t you teach yourself? You ·tell [preach to] others not to steal, but do you steal?
2:22  You say that others must not commit adultery, but do you commit adultery? You ·hate [abhor; detest] idols, but do you steal from temples [C perhaps (1) profiting by selling stolen idols to Gentiles; or (2) withholding what is due to God and so “robbing” his temple]?
2:23  You ·brag [boast] about ·having God’s law [L the law], but do you ·bring shame to [dishonor] God by breaking his law?
2:24  It is just as the Scriptures say: “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you [Is. 52:5; Ezek. 36:20].”
2:25  If you follow the law, your circumcision [C a key distinctive of Jewish identity; Gen. 17] has ·meaning [value; benefit]. But if you ·break [transgress; disobey] the law, it is as if you were never circumcised.
2:26  If those who are not circumcised ·do [keep; obey] ·what the law says [or the law’s righteous requirements], it is as if they were circumcised.
2:27  Those who are not circumcised in their bodies, but still ·obey [fulfill; carry out] the law, will ·pass judgment on [condemn] you who, though having the written law and circumcision, ·break [transgress; disobey] the law.
2:28  They can do this because a person is not a true Jew if he is only a Jew ·in his physical body [L by (physical) appearance]; true circumcision is not ·only on the outside of the body [L the appearance of the flesh].
2:29  A person is a Jew only if he is a Jew ·inside [inwardly]; true circumcision is done in the heart by the Spirit, not by the written law. Such a person gets praise from God rather than from people.