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15:1  But we firmer men owe to sustain the feeblenesses of frail men, and not please to ourselves.
15:2  Each of us please to his neighbour in good [into good], to edification.
15:3  For Christ pleased not to himself, as it is written, The reproves of men despising thee, felled on me.
15:4  For whatever things be written, those be written to our teaching [they be written to our teaching], that by patience and comfort of scriptures we have hope.
15:5  But God of patience and of solace give to you to understand the same thing, each into (the) other after Jesus Christ,
15:6  that ye of one will with one mouth worship God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
15:7  For which thing take ye together, as also Christ took you into the honour of God.
15:8  For I say, that Jesus Christ was a minister of circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises of fathers.
15:9  And heathen men owe to honour God for mercy; as it is written, Therefore, Lord, I shall acknowledge to thee among heathen men, and I shall sing to thy name.
15:10  And again he saith, Ye heathen men, be ye glad with his people. [And again he saith, Glad, or joy, ye heathen men with his people.]
15:11  And again, All heathen men, praise ye the Lord; and all peoples, magnify ye him.
15:12  And again Esaias saith, There shall be a root of Jesse, that shall rise up to govern heathen men [that shall rise to govern heathen men], and heathen men shall hope in him.
15:13  And God of hope full-fill you in all joy and peace in believing, that ye increase in hope and virtue of the Holy Ghost [that ye abound in hope and virtue of the Holy Ghost].
15:14  And, brethren, I myself am certain of you, that also ye be full of love, and ye be filled with all knowing, so that ye be able to admonish each other.
15:15  And, brethren, more boldly I wrote to you a part [more hardily I wrote to you of part], as bringing you into mind, for the grace that is given to me of God,
15:16  that I be the minister of Christ Jesus among heathen men. And I hallow the gospel of God, that the offering of heathen men be accepted, and hallowed in the Holy Ghost [I hallowing the gospel of God, that the offering of heathen men be made acceptable, and hallowed in the Holy Ghost].
15:17  Therefore I have glory in Christ Jesus to God.
15:18  For I dare not speak any thing of those things, which Christ doeth not by me [which Christ maketh not by me], into obedience of heathen men, in word and deeds,
15:19  in virtue of tokens and great wonders, in virtue of the Holy Ghost, so that from Jerusalem by compass to the Illyricum sea I have filled the gospel of Christ [so that from Jerusalem by compass, or environ, till unto Illyricum I have full-filled the gospel of Christ].
15:20  And so I have preached this gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I build upon another's ground,
15:21  but as it is written, For to whom it is not told of him, they shall see, and they that heard not, shall understand.
15:22  For which thing I was hindered full much to come to you, and I am hindered till this time. [For which thing I was letted full much to come to you, and I am forbidden till unto yet.]
15:23  And now I have not further place in these countries, but I have desire to come to you, of many years that be passed. [Forsooth now I not having further place, or cause of longer dwelling, in these countries, soothly having covetousness of coming to you, of many years now going before.]
15:24  When I [shall] begin to pass into Spain, I hope that in my going I shall see you [I hope that I passing forth shall see you], and of you I shall be led thither, if I use you first in part.
15:25  Therefore now I shall pass forth to Jerusalem, to minister to saints.
15:26  For Macedonia and Achaia have assayed to make some gift to poor men of saints, that be in Jerusalem. [Forsooth Macedonia and Achaia proved to make some collection, or gathering of money, into poor men of saints, that be in Jerusalem.]
15:27  For it pleased to them [Soothly it pleased to them], and they be debtors of them; for if heathen men be made partners of their ghostly things, they owe also in fleshly things to minister to them.
15:28  Therefore when I have ended this thing, and have assigned to them this fruit, I shall pass by you into Spain.
15:29  And I know, that I coming to you, shall come in the abundance of the blessing of Christ [shall come into the abundance, or plenty, of the blessing of Christ].
15:30  Therefore, brethren, I beseech you by our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the charity of the Holy Ghost, that ye help me in your prayers [for me] to the Lord,
15:31  that I be delivered from the unfaithful men, that be in Judaea, and that the offering of my service be accepted in Jerusalem to saints;
15:32  that I come to you in joy, by the will of God, and that I be refreshed with you.
15:33  And God of peace be with you all. Amen.