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14:1  But take ye a frail man in belief, not in deemings of thoughts. [Forsooth take ye a sick man in belief, not in deceptions, or disputations, of thoughts.]
14:2  For another man believeth, that he may eat all things; but he that is frail [but he that is sick, or unsteadfast], eat worts.
14:3  He that eateth, despise not him that eateth not; and he that eateth not, deem not him that eateth. For God hath taken him to him(self) [For why God hath taken him].
14:4  Who art thou, that deemest another's servant? To his lord he standeth, or falleth from him. But he shall stand; for the Lord is mighty to make him perfect.
14:5  For why one deemeth a day betwixt [between] a day, another deemeth each day. Each man increase in his wit.
14:6  He that understandeth the day, understandeth to the Lord [He that savoureth, or understandeth, the day, understandeth to the Lord]. And he that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he doeth thankings to God. And he that eateth not, eateth not to the Lord, and doeth thankings to God.
14:7  For no man of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself.
14:8  For whether we live, we live to the Lord; and whether we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore whether we live or die, we be of the Lord [we be (the) Lord's].
14:9  For why for this thing Christ was dead, and rose again, that he be Lord both of quick and of dead men [that he be Lord and of quick and of dead].
14:10  But what deemest thou thy brother? or why despisest thou thy brother? for all we shall stand before the throne of Christ.
14:11  For it is written, I live, saith the Lord, for to me each knee shall be bowed, and each tongue shall acknowledge to God.
14:12  Therefore each of us [And so each of us] shall yield reason to God for himself.
14:13  Therefore no more deem we each other; but more deem ye this thing, that ye put not hurting, or cause of stumbling [or offence], to a brother.
14:14  I know and trust in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is unclean by him, no but to him that deemeth any thing to be unclean [but to him that deemeth any thing to be unclean], to him it is unclean.
14:15  And if thy brother be made sorry in conscience for meat [Soothly if thy brother be made sorry, or heavy in conscience, for meat], now thou walkest not after charity. Do not thou through thy meat destroy him [Do not through thy meat lose him], for whom Christ died.
14:16  Therefore be not your good thing blasphemed. [Therefore be not our good thing blasphemed, or despised.]
14:17  For why the realm of God is not meat and drink, but rightwiseness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.
14:18  And he that in this thing serveth Christ, pleaseth God, and is approved to men [and is proved to men].
14:19  Therefore follow we those things that be of peace, and keep we together those things that be of edification [and keep we those things together that be of edification].
14:20  Do not thou for meat destroy the work of God. For all things be clean, but it is evil to the man that eateth by offending.
14:21  It is good to not eat flesh, and to not drink wine, neither in what thing thy brother offendeth, or is caused to stumble, or is made frail [neither in what thing thy brother offendeth, or is caused to offend, or is made sick, or unsteadfast].
14:22  Thou hast faith with thyself, have thou before God. Blessed is he that deemeth not himself in that thing that he approveth [Blessed is he that deemeth not, or condemneth not, himself in that thing that he proveth].
14:23  For he that deemeth, is condemned, if he eateth; for it is not of faith. And all thing that is not of faith, is sin.