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11:1  Therefore I say, Whether God hath put away his people? God forbid [Far be it]. For [and] I am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the lineage of Benjamin.
11:2  God hath not put away his people, which he before-knew. Whether ye know not [Whether ye witen not], what the scripture saith in Elias? How he prayeth God against Israel,
11:3  Lord, they have slain thy prophets, they have under-delved thine altars, and I am left alone, and they seek my life.
11:4  But what saith God's answer to him? I have left to me seven thousands of men [I have left to me seven thousand of men], that have not bowed their knees before Baal.
11:5  So therefore also in this time, the remnants [the reliefs] be made safe, by the choosing [after the choosing] of the grace of God.
11:6  And if it be by the grace of God, it is not now of works; else grace is not now grace.
11:7  What then? Israel hath not gotten this that he sought [Israel hath not gotten that that he sought], but election hath gotten; and the others be blinded.
11:8  As it is written, God gave to them a spirit of compunction, eyes that they see not, and ears, that they hear not, into this day.
11:9  And David saith, Be the board of them made into a snare before them, and into catching, and into cause of stumbling, and into yielding to them [and into catching, and into offence, and into yielding again to them].
11:10  Be the eyes of them made dark, that they see not; and bow thou down always the back of them [and bow down all-gates the back of them].
11:11  Therefore I say, Whether they offended so, that they should fall down? God forbid [Far be it]. But by the guilt of them health is made to heathen men, that they follow them.
11:12  That if the guilt of them be riches of the world, and the making less of them be riches of heathen men [and the diminishing, or making less, of them be riches of heathen men], how much more the plenty of them?
11:13  But I say to you [Soothly I say to you], heathen men, for as long as I am apostle of heathen men, I shall honour my ministry [I shall honour my ministry, or service],
11:14  if in any manner I stir my flesh for to follow, and that I make some of them safe. [if on any manner I stir my flesh to follow, and I make some of them safe.]
11:15  For if the loss of them is the reconciling of the world, what is the taking up [of them], but life of dead men [but life of dead]?
11:16  For if a little part of that that is tasted be holy, the whole gobbet is holy; and if the root is holy, also the branches.
11:17  What if any of the branches be broken, when thou were a wild olive tree, art grafted among them, and art made fellow of the root, and of the fatness of the olive tree, [That if any of the branches be broken, thou soothly, when thou were a wild olive tree, wert set in among them, and wert made fellow of the root, and of fatness of the olive tree,]
11:18  do not thou have glory against the branches [do not thou glory against the branches]. For if thou gloriest, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.
11:19  Therefore thou sayest, The branches be broken, that I be grafted in [that I be inset].
11:20  Well, for unbelief the branches be broken; but thou standest by faith. Do not thou understand high things [Do not thou savour high thing], but dread thou,
11:21  for if God spared not the natural branches, [see thou] lest peradventure he spare not thee.
11:22  Therefore see the goodness, and the fierceness of God; yea, the fierceness into them that fell down, but the goodness of God into thee, if thou dwellest in goodness [if thou shalt dwell in goodness], else also thou shalt be cut down.
11:23  Yea, and they shall be set in, if they dwell not in unbelief. For God is mighty, to set them in again. [But, and they shall be inset, if they shall not dwell in unbelief. Forsooth God is mighty, again to inset them.]
11:24  For if thou art cut down of the natural wild olive tree, and against kind art set into a good olive tree, how much more they that be by kind, shall be set in their olive tree?
11:25  But, brethren, I will not that ye not know this mystery, that ye be not wise to yourselves; for blindness hath fallen a part in Israel, till that the plenty of heathen men entered, [Forsooth, brethren, I will not that ye unknow this mystery, that ye be not wise to yourselves; for blindness hath felled of part in Israel, till the plenty of heathen men entered,]
11:26  and so all Israel should be made safe. As it is written, He shall come of Sion, that shall deliver, and turn away the wickedness of Jacob [and turn away the unpiety of Jacob].
11:27  And this testament to them of me, when I shall do away their sins.
11:28  After the gospel they be enemies for you, but they be most dear-worthy by the election [after the election] for the fathers.
11:29  And the gifts and the calling of God be without repenting. [Soothly the gifts and calling of God be without repenting.]
11:30  And as sometime also ye believed not to God, but now ye have gotten mercy for the unbelief of them;
11:31  so and these now believed not into your mercy [so and these now believed not to your mercy], that also they get mercy.
11:32  For God closed all things together in unbelief [Forsooth God closed together all things in unbelief], that he have mercy on all.
11:33  O! the highness of the riches of the wisdom and of the knowing of God; how incomprehensible be his dooms, and his ways be unsearchable. [O! the depth of the riches of wisdom and knowing of God; how incomprehensible be his dooms, and his ways unsearchable.]
11:34  For why who knew the wit of the Lord, or who was his counsellor?
11:35  or who former gave to him, and it shall be requited [again] to him?
11:36  For of him, and by him, and in him be all things. To him be glory into worlds [of worlds]. Amen.