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4:1  After these things I saw, and lo! a door was opened in heaven. And the first voice that I heard, was as of a trumpet speaking with me, and said, Ascend thou up hither [And the first voice that I heard, was as of a trump speaking with me, saying, Ascend up hither], and I shall show to thee which things it behooveth to be done soon after these things.
4:2  And at once [And anon] I was in Spirit, and lo! a seat was set in heaven, and upon the seat one sitting [and on the seat one sitting].
4:3  And he that sat, was like [to] the sight of a stone jasper, and to sardine; and a rainbow was in [the] compass of the seat, like [to] the sight of emerald [like to the sight of smaragdus].
4:4  And in the compass of the seat were four and twenty small seats; and above the thrones four and twenty elder men sitting, covered about with white clothes [And in compass of the seat were four and twenty small seats; and upon the thrones four and twenty elders sitting, girded about with white clothes], and in the heads of them golden crowns.
4:5  And lightnings, and voices, and thunderings came out of the throne; and seven lamps burning before the throne, which be the seven spirits of God.
4:6  And before the seat as a sea of glass, like [to] crystal, and in the middle of the seat, and in the compass [and in compass] of the seat, [were] four beasts full of eyes before and behind.
4:7  And the first beast like a lion; and the second beast like a calf; and the third beast having a face as of a man [and the third beast having a face as a man]; and the fourth beast like an eagle flying.
4:8  And the four beasts had each of them six wings; and all about [and in compass] and within they were full of eyes; and they had not rest day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, the Lord God almighty, that was, and that is, and that is to coming [and that is to come].
4:9  And when those four beasts gave glory, and honour, and blessing to him that sat on the throne, that liveth into worlds of worlds,
4:10  the four and twenty elder men [the four and twenty elders] fell down before him that sat on the throne, and worshipped him that liveth into worlds of worlds. And they cast their crowns before the throne, and said [saying],
4:11  Thou, Lord our God, art worthy to take glory, and honour, and virtue; for thou madest of nought all things, and for thy will those were [and for thy will they were], and be made of nought.