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2:1  If you have, therefore, comfort in The Messiah, or the filling up of hearts with love, or communion of The Spirit, or tender care and mercy,
2:2  Fulfill my joy, that you would have one conscience, one love, one soul and one mind;
2:3  And you should not do anything with contention or empty glory, but in humility of mind, let every person esteem his neighbor as better than himself.
2:4  Neither let a man care for that which is his own unless every person cares also for that which is his neighbor's.
2:5  And reason in your souls this that also Yeshua The Messiah did:
2:6  He who, while he was in the form of God, did not esteem this as a prize, that he was the equal of God,
2:7  But he stripped himself and took the form of a Servant and was in the form of the children of men, and was found in fashion as a man.
2:8  And he humbled himself and was obedient unto death, even the death of being crucified.
2:9  Because of this, God has also greatly exalted him and he has given him The Name which is greater than all names,
2:10  That in The Name of Yeshua, every knee shall bow, which is in Heaven and in The Earth and which is under The Earth,
2:11  And every tongue shall confess that Yeshua The Messiah is THE LORD JEHOVAH to the glory of God his Father.
2:12  Therefore beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not when I am near to you only, but now when I am far from you, all the more, with awe and with trembling, do the service of your life.
2:13  For God is carefully working in you both to desire and to do that thing which you desire.
2:14  Do everything without complaining and without division,
2:15  That you would be perfect and without blemish as purified children of God who dwell in a hard and crooked generation, and appear among them as lights in the world.
2:16  For you are in the place of life to them, unto my boasting in the day of The Messiah, because I have not run for nothing, neither have I labored worthlessly.
2:17  But even if I am offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice and triumph with all of you.
2:18  Rejoice and triumph with me in this way also.
2:19  But I hope in our Lord Yeshua to send Timotheus to you soon, so that I may have refreshing when I learn about you.
2:20  For I do not have another here, who, like myself, is earnestly concerned for what is yours,
2:21  For they are all seeking what is their own and not what is of Yeshua The Messiah.
2:22  But you know the proof of this man, that as a son with his father, so he has worked with me in The Gospel.
2:23  But I hope to send this one to you soon, when I see my circumstances.
2:24  But I trust in my Lord that I also am soon coming to you.
2:25  But now a matter has compelled me to send Epaphroditus to you, a brother who is a helper and worker with me, but your Apostle and a Minister of my needs,
2:26  Because he was longing to see you all and he was grieved to know that you heard that he was ill.
2:27  For he was ill even unto death, but God had compassion upon him, and not upon him only, but also upon me, lest I would have sorrow upon sorrow.
2:28  Therefore, I diligently sent him to you, that when you see him again you will rejoice, and I shall have a little rest.
2:29  Receive him therefore in THE LORD JEHOVAH with all joy, and hold in honor those who are such.
2:30  For because of the work of The Messiah he approached death and scorned his life, to fulfill what you lacked in the ministry that was for me.